
I'm using it, *I think it works OK on this site:

The search box in the top-right nav. Sym 2.5.2 but I wouldn't be sure if I tested everything.

Seems OK in the backend too, re-index works fine and the log has been filling up nicely. I haven't tried uninstall, a few extensions needed a minor change with that.


I have it working fine on a couple of 2.5 projects, I don't think it required any further fixes after the 2.4 compatibility was done - what issue are you facing?

The only problem I still encountered was with the synonyms function. Apart from that it seems to work fine.

Doesn't seem to work with multiple word phrases for me but I don't know when it last did.


Rather embarrassingly I hadn't noticed this. Looks like it just searches on the first word in the query and ignores the rest.

Is this something to do with the way the query is formatted? i.e. is there a way around this, or is it a problem in the extension itself?


Ah, I've never used this feature so wouldn't have noticed, however now you mention it I remember there being an issue with it when I was looking at fixing the extension up for 2.4

@munki, @nathan

Using multiple works creates a combinated filter (keyword1 + keyword2) on my installation. It seems to work fine this way. Also I can look up a phrase by putting it in double-quotes ("this is a phrase"). Both work fine and well on 2.5 here.


Also I can look up a phrase by putting it in double-quotes ("this is a phrase").

Of course, that's the ticket. And yea, turns out after further testing multiple words do form an AND condition - I was expecting the multiple words to be searching a string (as with the double quotes) which was obviously my mistake - but why I thought it wasn't working (as I knew the results didn't contain the phrase I'd searched for, but turns out they did contain all of the individual words).

Ah, ok now I get it for the search term. But, what does a two word synonym imply? I was hoping that for example 'symphonycms' could be synonymous (spellcheck) with 'symphony cms'.

Also, @animaux Synonyms do seem to be working for me, I don't know much about that but I'm happy for you to look at anything in my install to find out what's different.

@munki cheers, I have the synonyms showing up in my config file but they are not visible in the backend, nor are any new synonyms saved. I guess something broke while updating from 2.3 to 2.5, and that will be hard to figure out I guess.

It not a big problem for me though, since I decided to tackle synonyms directly via the sections that are searched. This way I have better control, and it even makes more sense in this particular case anyway :)

I decided to tackle synonyms directly via the sections

Smart! I guess an extra field with keywords?

That is cool, easier to administer while editing the section too.

@plenaforma, @munki

Cheers. This particular case is a database of streets in a city. The synonyms are historic names of streets. I have added these as an extra-field in the section. This way I can see them in the backend as well, and output them in the frontend if needed. Also I wont have duplicates of streets. Nice and clean :)

For other purposes a set of keywords should work fine as well.

On a Symphony 2.5.2 version search index won't store the index.

When I re-index the entries I see there is a number of entries but when I refresh the index size is back to 0. When I check the database it is also empty.

@plenaforma I found a similar issue and worked out that it was caused by differences in the config files on development and production servers.

In my case, deleting the indexes and recreating them did the job. Perhaps worth a try.

Thank you @stuartgpalmer for your response. I restored my previous database and start over again but the same behaviour occurs.

Can you explain the differences in the config files?

I’ve noticed something similar too after updating to 2.6. New entries are not indexed and I cannot select a section to reindex :(

Guys, does this extension work with Symphony 2.6.x for anyone?

I’m using it with 2.6.x but still not 100% sure if everything works. Indexing of new entries might be a possible issue.

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