
Yes, I know. I already changed that locally but I haven't found the time to finish the work and push it to GitHub :)

Ah fair enough, look forward to new release! :)

I´m sorry I haven´t gone through the entire thread, but I was wondering if it is possible to allow multiple types of entries in one field? For example, I would love to have a field called "media" and allow image, video, audio, etc. sections in that field. That is, instead of only allowing a single section, eg. "mediaelement" with different fields for image, video, etc.

Currently, this field only allows referencing a single subsection but that subsection could - of course - contain different types of media.

Guys had the same issue that was mentioned around page 8-11 regarding issues when adding new items re sorting. I added the sort save function at the end of the construct function. in stage.publish.js

// Get new item order
                var sortorder = selection.find('li').map(function() {
                    return $(this).attr('data-value');

                // Save sortorder       

In case anyone come across it. This way all new entries also appear in the right order.

Nils we just came across another issue - well it was there before but just checked if it was your extension or not - and I am a bit lost.

Basically when subsection manager makes a get request to obtain the drop-down list from where to add stuff - we're having each object within a link - linking to the xsl of that particular widget.

I am not sure if this is something to do with the extension or the data-sources. Ideas where to look for to do a fix would be appreciated.

Also something weird that happens when using entry versions with this extension, as soon as I try to untick create a new version, the whole interface fades into black instead of unticking the checkbox. - not so urgent but ideas would be appreciated :)

Jonathan, I'm not sure if I understood the main problem. Could you elaborate please? Thanks! The second issues sound like a JavaScript conflict.

Which version of SSM are you using? Git or ZIP install?

Ah, and which browser and OS are you using?

Browser tried Firefox & Chrome - Symphony 2.2 SSM 1.1.1 - zip install couldn't get the hang of git to be honest.

Basically I noticed this in the get call. When you send an AJAX request to fetch the data from the sections.

The expected structure is <span>Name</span> right? What I am having instead is <a href='template.xsl'>Name</a> I think this is caused by one of our extensions - namely uploadselectboxlink which is used to link to xsl templates for each widget. Obv everything looks out of sync as css styling doesn't work as it should, plus if by mistake they click the link they would end up in a page to edit the template I think. which is slightly undesired. Probably its a very unique case due to the extension combination and the data sources

Just started using symphony these last two weeks at work and the developer that set up symphony is not around anymore to check if he had custom fixes.

For a temporary fix what I did was add an on load function and replace the link tags with spans... but don't think that is as robust.

If you'd like i can undo the change and take a screenshot.

Ah, now I understand. Actually this is the intended behaviour: You uploaded a file so SSM links to it so you are able to see it (on click).

So - if I understand you correctly - you'd like to upload files without the preview feature, right?

Its not the preview - mainly the issue lies in the fact that the UI breaks itself.

Attached a screenshot so that you can see what I mean exactly. Just in case someone comes up with the same issues.

PS. I resolved this with a custom onLoad function.

As regards the preview - in my case I would like to disable it - I don't want to send someone who is not a developer to edit a template as we're planning on introducing the author roles. (also disabled this through the fix mentioned previously)


This looks like you're missing the SSM specific styles. Do you have subsectionmanager.publish.css attached to your head?

as far as I know yes. I will have another look tomorrow at work

I have another field using SSM looks fine. What I had to do is remove the visible in the html(bottom) with a and it looks fine then. So I think the styling is there.

Subsection Manager 1.2 beta

This is the first beta of version 1.2 fixing a few bugs that have been around for a while and providing a more robust Stage implementation.

Please checkout and report bugs on Github:

Nils, I am not really sure if this is a SSM issue, or a Symphony issue, but here it comes:

I have a section containing agenda items (just a title and a date). Now, I would like to sort them either by the manual sorting of the user (which is fine), or by date (if the end-user is too lazy to order).

However, the first option doesn't work. Ordering the entries in the SSM does not order them in the output. No problem, I thought, I'll just chain my datasources and do the ordering there. However, while doing that, only the first result is returned in the XML, even though the param contains all the entry-id's.

If I replace the {$ds-articles} with 40, 43, 44, 45, 46 (the id's of the agenda items) everything works as it should. The agenda ds is set to display the last 20 results, so that should be fine, too..

Do you have any idea where this could be coming from? Oh, I am using 1.2dev (pulled a few days ago from github.)

Maybe this is related to this or that. The problem is that the sorting functionality seems to be buggy and needs to be rewritten. This is scheduled for the next major release (2.0) which was supposed to be the next release. 1.2 is more or less a bug fix release to ensure compatibility with Date and Time.

If I replace the {$ds-articles} with 40, 43, 44, 45, 46 (the id's of the agenda items) everything works as it should. The agenda ds is set to display the last 20 results, so that should be fine, too..

Something seems to be wrong with the parameter output. Could you please post an issue on Github? Thanks!

Feature Request: Ability to set a limit in the Section Editor for the number of items that can be added to a single entry

Would be helpful to enforce Business Logic like 'choose two images', etc.

Has anyone implemented this yet? Or attempted to even?

There seems to be an error regarding styles modified by JS. See images in attachment.

Date Time 2.0RC2
SSM 1.2RC1

After upgrading Date Time from 2.0beta2 to 2.0RC2, it was fine.
After upgrading SSM from 1.1.1 to 1.2RC1, the styles get messed up.


DT_SSM_ok.png and DT_SSM_err.png

Could this be because there's a conflict with your own styling? If you disable your customisation is there still a problem?

Well, the only custom thing is the background color with Admin Rainbow Headline. Deactivated it but still no change.

The stiles load just fine, initially; after that JS kicks in and mess things up and I noticed this behavior after upgrading SSM to 1.2RC1.

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