
Your problem has nothing to do with the dash – it's allowed to use a dash in extension names. You just have to make sure that folder and class name match. If you download from Github the junk added by their download function will break Symphony unless you rename the folder to the repository name.

Sadly it's not possible to change Github's behaviour here but you won't have these problems when using Git directly.

Would it be possible to have this support html5 drag and drop, so you can drop a picture from your desktop into the manager, and it creates a new entry for that picture in the picture section and associates it into the entry you are on?

It's certainly possible but it's nothing currently planed. Post it on the issue tracker as a suggestion if you like.

Hallo Nils.

I got a problem with version 1.2. Preview Images don't show up. The filelink only points to the filename, but there is no path. So the filelink actually points to the current pagepublish/section/id/image.jpg

After upgrade to 1.2 it no more wants to play with Image Cropper extension (latest 1.0.1). Attached the screenie. SM 1.1.1 was ok.

Unfortunately SM downgrade is not straight-forward possible :(

What should I do?

(adding default NULL value to Croppers entry_id does not help).

If there was no selected subsection entries, then it goes further, but breaks everything anyway (capture2).

Capture2.JPG and Capture1.JPG

I answered in the imagecropper thread because it's more related to the imagecropper.

@iwyg: I'm having trouble reproducing this with an upload field. Preview images display fine for me in the subsection. Are you using a different field type?

For what it's worth, it seems that another fix to the Image Cropper problem is to change line 193 of lib/class.subsectionmanager.php to:

$field_value = $cache[$entry['id']][$field_id] = strip_tags($field->prepareTableValue($entry['data'][$field_id], null, $entry['id']));

I'm not sure if this will cause unintended behaviour when dealing with other field types though.

@tachyondecay: don't know why, but it works now.

Okay, here's an idea I've had for quite some time now. It evolves around an integration of the subsection manager with the symlink field. If a section that is linked by a symlink field is hidden from the navigation it appears in an extra row in the section it is linked to with a number of entries. What if the subsection manager field would be called every time that happens and I can then add anything via the Section I am currently editing. Just wanted to get that thought out and hear what you guys think. I think it would be a deeper integration with the idea of datasources and so on but maybe I am just making things more complicated here. Would really love to hear from you.

What's a "symlink field"? Select Box Link?

Yeah, sorry, i totally meant that nick. I don't know how even symlink came to mind :(

maybe you symlinked the two terms in your head.

Mh, I somehow figured that what I said is total nonsense. The subsection manager already does what I want it to do. Don't know what was my problem back then.

Would it be possible to ask for this field to be developed on top of the Bi-link field?

Yet again I have made a large mistake and now I can't identify which subsection entries I need to delete as there is no reference in the subsection as to which parent they are linked to.

I know you developed this out of need Nils, but as you have help with PHP side of it now, would it be possible to re-imagine this field using Bi-link as the basis instead of Select Box Link?

designermonkey, it is not based on select field any more :). We can try to implement "associated with" column, just like Select Box Link does it.

I have a field type that mirrors all (only SubsectionManager for now, but i think it could be improved to handle Select Box Link and Bi-Link too) associations. You can set it to mirror one or more fields, e.g., "Photos" section can use this field to show associations with both "Articles" and "Galleries" sections at the same time (showing which articles and galleries have photo selected in their SubsectionManager fields :). Would that be useful for you?

We can try to implement "associated with" column, just like Select Box Link does it.

SSM already stores the associations behind the scenes. But I never liked the Symphony default interface that forces an association column in the backend tables. It would be possible to make this optional, but that again would make the SSM settings panel even more complicated.

What I mean is that I would like a field in the child entry that links to the parent, and is populated when an entry is created/selected in the Subsection Manager.

The Bi-Link field works like this, so that relationships can be seen from both sides.


SSM already stores the associations behind the scenes.

I know, that information is used by my field already :).

But I never liked the Symphony default interface that forces an association column in the backend tables.

You mean entry index pages? Yeah, i disliked it being forced on me. But if it is optional, it can actually be very useful.

It would be possible to make this optional, but that again would make the SSM settings panel even more complicated.

I know, but it is just one additional checkbox. And there is a standard function to add it there.


What I mean is that I would like a field in the child entry that links to the parent, and is populated when an entry is created/selected in the Subsection Manager.

You do not need additional field for that. Yes it can be done that way, but it is not required to get information. I made it as an additional field (so it would work just like Bi-Link way you described - but only automatically), but it also would be possible to make SSM show up additional column on entry index pages, just like Select Box Link does it.

So unless you want to "attach" entries to SSM field while editing those entries (and not the section that has SSM field), Bi-Link way is not really needed.

Can I see your field then? Sounds very interesting.

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