
commited to my fork. I am still not sure if it should be separate extension (it should if it will handle Select Box Link and Bi-Link fields data) or SubsectionManager add-on of some kind.

Add it to the section which is target of SubsectionManager field (or fields).

This is exactly what I was after, nicely done!

Nils, can this be added to the SSM? Or should we create a separate field for this?

Thanks :).

Or should we create a separate field for this?

This has to be a separate field if we want to be able to mirror entries from more than one section or field at the same time.

SubsectionManager can have only something like Select Box Link has implemented (show column on target section index page).

I meant a separate field extension, rather than in with the SSM... ;o)

Also, Nils (sorry to keep bothering you) is there any way to force the parent section to save as soon as I create a new subsection entry? Even if it was a custom job that I implement myself, would you know how to do it?

Marcin, if this can be extended to work with other fields, you should make it a separate extension. We could update the readme to reference that field.

John, it's certainly possible -- there are different approaches. I never found a convincing solution though, but a AJAX request that updates the SSM field might be the best idea -- you only have to keep in mind that it won't work for newly created (unsaved) parent entries.

Nah, it's the other way round I need it. When I click save on a subsection entry (via the SSM field), I need the parent entry containing the SSM to save automatically, and save me from having to click save myself every time.

I have some Reflection Fields in the parent section that I could do with being updated on every entry save in the SSM, so the user can visually see some values being added up.

Nils, ok, i will make separate extension.


I have some Reflection Fields in the parent section that I could do with being updated on every entry save in the SSM

You can add custom JavaScript, that will wait for stage update event to submit form through AJAX.

Nah, it's the other way round I need it. When I click save on a subsection entry (via the SSM field), I need the parent entry containing the SSM to save automatically, and save me from having to click save myself every time.

So if you updated an input field first and than attached new items to your SSM field, you want the SSM to save the whole parent entry?! Isn't that counter intuitive? I thought it might be helpful to automatically save the SSM selection when adding new items via the browser. So if you haven't changed anything in your parent entry you won't have to save anything.

Yep, that's the requirement. THings will have changed, but as they are Reflections of items in the SSM using some XSLT maths, they will need to be saved to run the Reflection.

The SSM items are adding things up within a specified limit in the parent, so the user could do with seeing the running total (Reflection) while they are adding items to the SSM. I just want to try and save them having to click the parent save button every time.

It's usability more then functionality...

Hi Nils, thanks for this extension! I'm having a problem when creating a new entry in the subsection. When I populate the new item and click "create entry" the item doesn't save unless I save the whole parent entry after the creation of each subsection entry. Is this the way it's supposed to work? Just wondered if there's a way to save the item just by clicking "save entry". Thanks

You mean entry index pages? Yeah, i disliked it being forced on me. But if it is optional, it can actually be very useful.

This has been optional and has been since 2.2, using appendShowAssociationCheckbox

brendo, i know - sorry if it sounded otherwise :). I "discovered" it while working on other field - very useful :).

janemohu, yes, it works like that. In theory, it could auto-save but only if parent entry was already saved at least once. Otherwise it would have to save whole parent entry, along with all other changes made by author - which could be wrong (unfinished text, option switched by mistake, etc...).

Ah, I understand. Thanks ahwayakchih

I'm experiencing another weird issue now, which seems to have to do with optional fields in the subsection. I have an image gallery with an optional caption for each image, but when I don't fill out the caption, the image often doesn't get saved. Or if it does get saved, it overwrites the previous image if it was also captionless. Screenshots attached. Anyone experiencing this same issue? Thanks

Screen shot 2011-07-19 at 10.15.30.png, Screen shot 2011-07-19 at 10.15.58.png, Screen shot 2011-07-19 at 10.16.21.png, Screen shot 2011-07-19 at 10.16.34.png and Screen shot 2011-07-19 at 10.16.44.png

I got some weird issues with this extension, not only in Internet Explorer:

  • Sometimes after creating a new entry in the SSM, the spinner just keeps spinning, whereas you would expect to show the newly created entry. The entry doesn't get saved either.
  • There are some weird styling issues in IE9. When creating a new entry, after saving a new entry. (this screenshot also shows the never-ending-spinner I was talking about)

alt text

alt text

Anyone experienced this before or now how to fix this?

Which version are you using? A similar issue in Firefox has been fixed a while back.

The latest master from Github. Version 1.2

Somebody already found a solution for this?

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