
I will post the issue on Github tonight, I'll test it on a few browsers before logging to see if it was just FF 6.0.

FYI You can use mousedown and mouseup events to check the difference between a click and a drag...

Sadly, it's not as easy as that in this context, John …

Ah well, worth a try ;)

Why does my subsection manager look funky?

The needed JavaScript seems to not to be executed. Could you check your console if there are any errors? (They don't have to be Subsection Manager related: any extension causing a JavaScript error will stop the others from executing.)

Nothing in the console. Also, a new problem..

It's happening everwhere :(

Could you please post a list of all JavaScript files attached to your backend pages? It looks like Stage is initialised twice.

Have you customised either your Date and Time or Subsection Manager extensions?

Great question. No I haven't, but I put them in, brand new, again and all is back to good. I guess working with the sections caused an error somehow, hmm.. I've been adding and deleting many section elements.

But yah.. it is still numbers and things..

Now I just got..

Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchFields() on a non-object in /Users/kirkstrobeck/INTO/git/trimera/httpdocs/extensions/subsectionmanager/lib/class.subsectionmanager.php on line 42

Okay, I fixed it a bit, but now it looks bad :|

If I make a new section entry now, it works fine.. how do I revise the old formatting?

Do you have an extension installed that turns select boxes into checkboxes? Maybe you could just post your list of extensions - something is interfering here and SSM and DateTime may not be the source of the problem at all.

Anyone else having this issue?

Warning: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in /home/eyegatedigital/ on line 474

I'm running Symphony 2.2.3 and have installed Subsection Manager 1.2. This error appears at the top of the screen (screenshot attached) whenever I add a Subsection.

Hope I can get it worked out because this is a wonderful extension.


Screen shot 2011-08-26 at 10.33.01 AM.png

You should be able to safely remove the ampersand on that line. It's likely you're running PHP 5.3 and this syntax is still PHP 5.2, suggests the PHP docs:

Note: There is no reference sign on a function call - only on function definitions. Function definitions alone are enough to correctly pass the argument by reference. As of PHP 5.3.0, you will get a warning saying that "call-time pass-by-reference" is deprecated when you use & in foo(&$a);.

This is a SSM bug, so you should open a new issue if you have the time :-)

Wow, thanks! I don't really have PHP skills at all, so that little character completely alluded me.

I really appreciate it and will open an issue on it soon.


I'm trying to use this extension with my site. I downloaded the zip file of the 2 beta. Then I upload the whole folder to the extensions folder of my site. But now I see this error message: Please make sure that the Stage submodule is initialised and available at /home/vhosting/c/vhost0008707/domains/

Is the zip file not containing everything ? or did I do something wrong.


It's a bit tricky when you use GitHub downloads:

Subsection Manager contains a Git submodule that is – for some reasons – not automatically included when GitHub generates the download. So you have to download it manually and put it inside /extensions/subsectionmanager/lib/:

Maybe we'll find a better solution for this problem soon.

UI Issues

There have been a few mentions that the Subsection Manager interface is not behaving well in all browsers (using the latest or upcoming versions). I'd like to solve these UI issues until the Symposium in Cologne, so if you've found anything strange, please post a bug report at


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