
Excellent, all up to date now! cheers

Das deutsche Äquivalent wäre: Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund. Nur das passt nicht Lippensynchron.

Hej, we have the same saying in Dutch: "De morgenstond heeft goud in de mond"... and you guys should get rid of your voice-overs. God invented subtitles ages ago!

Amen bro ("preach it!") :D

@Cremol: Thanks for the feedback that the upgrade worked. Perfect!

@remie: Technically we don't have much voice-over here, our movies are dubbed. And now back to Subsection Manager business in this thread! :)

Ahh... I was looking for the correct translation of 'Lippensynchron', and I knew voice-over wasn't quite right, but I couldn't come up with the right word... thanks!

The interface (Stage?) seems to be broken in Firefox 6.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 (see attached screenshot). Can anyone confirm this?

Bildschirmfoto 2011-09-09 um 08.33.18.jpg

Looks similar, but here a whole field is not at all visible. Safari works fine. Stage is up to date. I’ve checked for the code you mentioned on github, it’s there too. Any other ideas what I could try?

For some strange reason it looks the same in FF 3.6 now, and I’m pretty sure that worked fine before. So it might actually be an update problem.

I have a problem with this extension (version 1.2), and I don't have any idea why I have this problem or how to fix it. The Subsection Manager can't find any of my existing subsections. I can create a new subsection and I can edit already existing linked subsections without problems. But I can't make a link to an existing subsection. The queue keeps empty and right to the input field the grey button "no results" keeps displaying and the circle on bottom keeps turning. I don't have made any changes to my utilities, components or even update an extension. I only make many new Subsections (about 60 entries). But suddenly this feature did'n work no longer! Could the number of entries make this problems? Or have anyone an idea how to fix or detect the problem?

Can you please check if there are any errors in your JavaScript console?

No, the JavaScript console hasn't any error. But the received ajax query is empty.

Now i noticed, that the browser received no answer from the request: .../symphony/extension/subsectionmanager/get/?id=21&section=1. When I open this page standalone and not as ajax request the browser answers that it can't open the requested page. But when I change the section part of the URI to another value it received data!

Interesting. Are the problematic sections hidden via Author Roles or something similar?

There are two section. The first is about events and the second one are articles witch sometimes relies on entries of the first sections (events). The events section consist of some text input fields, a creation date and an event date, a tag list, a select box link to a third section with locations, a checkbox witch indicates the publicity status, an author and two images (thumbnail and flyer). The other section have a similar structure. Text inputs, creation date, tag list, a select box of predefined values, the "is public" checkbox, an author and the subsection manager.

But I don't think that there is anything hidden! And I don't have any problems with getting data of the section without using the subsection manager...

When I open this page standalone and not as ajax request the browser answers that it can't open the requested page.

What's the exact error message?

Firefox displays a blank white screen. Safari gives a message, the it can't open the page an I should try it later again. Only Chrome gives me an error message: Error 324 (net::ERREMPTYRESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.

That sounds like a timeout. How many entries are in your subsection?

At the moment 124..

hello everybody I'm using Subsection Manager to use the image uploader in a front end page (u have to be logged in with an special role to access this page) but the button: "creat new" doesnt appear; it appear only if the user is logged in also in the backend... any idea about how to skip this check? and solve the problem? is very important tnx

@gdam, take a look at the members extension for having users logged in via the front end. Not sure you can skip the check as such, you need to login via the backend to expose the roles you mention to the XML. Wheras with the members extension, it is geared towards front end members with assigned roles defined by you(They do not need to be logged into the Symphony admin)

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