
You were faster than me, guys.
There was a merging error that should be fixed now. Hope everything else is fine in the master branch …

Works like a scharrrrm® now :)

Holy s..t! SSM 2.0 rocks :D

Nils, does SSM 2.0 replace all previous versions/tags?

I am using the older 2.x and Tabs versions (in live sites) and I wonder if I could 'just' update those all to the new 'unified' 2.0 SSM…

You mention that this is not backward compatible. Are there risks in updating, do I need to re-save stuff or are there db changes?

David, yes version 2.0 replaces all stable and development versions but you should be able to update normally (at least this is what I did, too). Things you have to be aware of:

  • When switching from version 1.3, all stored sort orders in the backend and included elements in your Data Sources will be lost. You'll have to restore these things manually. Everything else will just work as before. No other data will be lost.
  • When updating from 2.0dev, a few features will be missing. SSM won't have a quantity setting anymore (it is postponed for a later release). SST won't offer dynamic tabs anymore - but they never really worked so I guess you have not been using them. Everything else should just work as before.

But please test all features locally first.

@Nils, thanks for your answer. I use one version of 2.x (0db027d) and one of (I guess 1.3) (b2cb275). If I understand you correctly that last one (1.3) would need most attention (restore sort orders and included els).

Thanks for the quick reply!

Yes, you're right, updating from version 1 to 2 will need more attention. There were ideas to provide an update script but the concept changes are too fundamental in my eyes so I decided against it.

Subsection Manager has moved!

Please note that this extension moved to a new home:

Could an admin please close this thread?

For everybody using this extension as a submodule: Fear not, the submodule's history is still there, you will be able to continue working with it.

Only once you decide to update it, you'll have to switch repositories.

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