
@nills, I'll try explain as best as I can!

I have a News section, and a News tags section. I then used SSM in the News section which linked to the News tags section - all the basic functionality of SSM.

I then wanted to create a filtered datasource, which will filter by the News tag. For example:

If I visited this URL, it will only display items which have the tag assigned to it.

I couldn't filter my data source by SSM, it always caused a MySQL error n the XML. I thought I had fixed it, but unfortunately I later found I hadn't!

Hope that explains it well enough.

@miika - I'd like to see this functionality.

I couldn't filter my data source by SSM, it always caused a MySQL error n the XML. I thought I had fixed it, but unfortunately I later found I hadn't!

Wouldn't it be easier to use a Select Box Link field? I wouldn't think the extras of the Subsection Manager would give you anything you needed for simple tags.

Plus, forcing the user to create tags in a separate section encourages categorical thriftiness, something most large blogs could use.

@BBQbrains - That's what I decided to use in the mean time. I thought it could be a little 'backwards' to have a separate section to set up tags, especially for a client used to Wordpress, where they edit them in the same section.

You can always use the standard Tag List or the Enhanced Tag List field.

When I was thinking this problem through for myself, I decided I liked the extra effort required to generate new tags. Although not as touchy as a hierarchical or exclusive category structure, it still is a form of navigation and should be thoughtfully created. I hate clicking on a tag and getting one or two results.

I tried those as they seemed the best (and simplest) way for doing what I wanted. I couldn't seem to filter the individual tags unfortunately, always returned them all! I was possibly doing something wrong, but I'll keep it how it is for now, and if I get chance I'll go back and try again.

I couldn't filter my data source by SSM, it always caused a MySQL error n the XML. I thought I had fixed it, but unfortunately I later found I hadn't!

This sounds like a strange merging conflict between my development copy and the main repository on Github. This should work. I'm quite busy these days but I'll have a look at this issue as soon as possible.

Nils, version 1.1.1 seems to have some small problems with Firefox on windows. Because it is quite hard to explain I have attached a small screencast illustrating the problem.

I have not yet found a fix..

Is it possible that you are using the experimental branch?

Nope, I am on the master branch

Interesting - something really seems to have gone wrong there. I remember having fixed this issue.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to dig deep today.

It does work correct on safari, IE and chrome, by the way. Only Firefox seems to mess up..

Bugfixes and Additions

After the release of Symphony 2.2 a few weeks ago, it's time to check if this extension is working as it should. There have been a few bug reports lately and I'm planning to fix these early April as I'm quite busy this month. If you noticed anything odd, a misbehaviour or just something strange, please post it on GitHub:

If you posted an issue here on the forum that has not been added to the issue tracker, please post it there, too, so it doesn't get lost. Thanks!

Help and Assistance

If you have time some spare time and like to fix some bugs, please post here or send a pull request on GitHub. Any help is greatly appreciated!

I get the same/similar thing to creativedutchmen in Firefox 3.6 in Ubuntu 10.10. I've submitted an issue at github.

Thanks David!

Ah, thanks David, saves me from writing a bug report ;)

Hi Nils,
I have the same problem as Brendan here

I have a section with a Subsection Manager for uploading images. Only the first two images are returned in the datasource. After I reorder just one of them they are updated into database (and returned in datasource).

This is a strange behaviour...

This is a strange behaviour...

Actually it's just a quite stupid thing ... Nothing complicated, just stupid.

I saw.
I wrote about it in github

ok I'm officially stupid... and sleepy... and with the same problem here. Can you point me in the right direction?

Actually, SSM should first loop through the list of sorted items while creating the data source output and add the unsorted items below. It seems to skip this last step for data sources. I'm not sure why this is an issue in the current release because this is the default behaviour since version 1.0 and it has been working before.

So the bug lies in this function:

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