
Git Branches

I added this information on GitHub a while back: Please note that with the release of Subsection Manager 1.1 the release branch will be replaced by master. All changes from the experimental branch will be merged into master and development - the experimental branch will be removed.

  • The master branch contains Subsection Manager + Stage, which is included directly.
  • The development branch contains Subsection Manager + Stage as submodule.

Please update your submodules and repositories accordingly. Thanks!

This is a last call for translators

Phew, hopefully I just made it? I’ve finished the norwegian translation. But I had exactly the same problem as Vlad, getting a GitHub 500 error when trying to create the pull request. It must be some rookie mistake I’m doing with all the cloning, pulling and pushing… possibly due to me having forked and cloned the repo way before the experimental branch was created.

But you’ll find my experimental branch here and the specific language file here. It has been brushed up a bit now and synched with the wordings I’ve used in the language file for the Symphony backend.

Given the trouble Vlad and I have had with git here, maybe you could give a straightforward example of what you think would be necessary for updating our submodules and repositories regarding your last post and the removal of the experimental branch?

Phew, hopefully I just made it? I’ve finished the norwegian translation.

Wonderful! I’ll integrate it later today.

But I had exactly the same problem as Vlad, getting a GitHub 500 error when trying to create the pull request. It must be some rookie mistake I’m doing with all the cloning, pulling and pushing… possibly due to me having forked and cloned the repo way before the experimental branch was created.

I’m not sure how this might be related to the later addition of the experimental branch. I suggest you contact the GitHub support in this matter. One thing you should always remember before pushing changes to your forks is merging changes in the main repository. Furthermore, if you switch branches (development to master) you’ll have to force that checkout because the first branch contains Stage as submodule and the latter not.

Given the trouble Vlad and I have had with git here, maybe you could give a straightforward example of what you think would be necessary for updating our submodules and repositories regarding your last post and the removal of the experimental branch?

You need to fetch the branch you need (e. g. master) from the main repository. Checkout this branch and everything should be fine. In case you want to be absolutely sure that nothing is wrong with your current branch (I not sure why GitHub is messing this up), delete your Subsection Manager clone or submodule and clone or add it again from the main repository.

I’m not an expert in Git command because I normally use Gity which offers an interface for all this. So maybe one of the command line pros could post a short guide for this.

I’m not sure how this might be related to the later addition of the experimental branch. I suggest you contact the GitHub support in this matter.

I’m certainly not blaming you or your new experimental branch :) Just saying that’s something I had to update my local repo with through your original repo (as opposed to straight from my fork), and I might have missed a step or two since I’m no git expert yet either. But I’ll certainly take this further in the Git forums if I don’t figure it out.

Cheers, Frode. Welcome to Top 500 :) If you find what’s going on, please let me know.

This is a last call for translators: If you like to add new or update language files to Subsection Manager 1.1, please send a pull request

Coming… !

I found the usage of “$this->_engine” 2 times in “field.subsectionmanager.php”. Shouldn’t it be replaced with “Symphony::Engine()” instead?

Where did you find this? Found and fixed.

Subsection Manager updated to version 1.1 on 9th of February 2011

Subsection Manager 1.1

  • New Stage implementation with many bug fixes
  • New search interface
  • New custom drop text
  • New support for Symphony’s internal association management
  • New and updated languages, now featuring Italian, Romanian, Norwegian and German
  • New preview in publish index for single select Subsection Manager field
  • New support for relation fields like Selectbox Link, Reference Link or the other field in captions
  • New support for self-referential subsections
  • Unified interface across browsers
  • Improved storage handling for better performance of large subsections
  • Improved inline editor which is now able to handle inline image preview
  • Improved styles for Subsection Manager fields used inside a Subsection Manager
  • Removed automatic editor hiding which allows multiple open editors at once
  • Fixed data source support for field mode (e. g. formatted, unformatted)
  • Fixed issues in single select mode where multiple items were selected
  • Fixed empty selection display
  • Fixed flickering while dragging items over a textarea
  • Fixed keyboard behaviour which broke automatic form submission

This version is compatible with Symphony 2.2 only!



I ran across a peculiar bug with Subsection Manager 1.0.1 and Symphony 2.1.2 (which I posted the bug/issue at Github). This is an existing site that was upgraded fully from Symphony 2.06 to Symphony 2.1.2. Mediathek or Subsection Manager was NOT installed on this site before. I installed 1.0.1 (since 1.1 is not compatible with Symphony 2.1.2).

After the install, I added the subsection manager field to a section called People. The Subsection Manager field was pulling from the Images section and then I ran across the following error. When you go to the field, click on it, the drawer opens up with a duplicate field.

ALSO, the CREATE NEW button doesn’t work, doesn’t respond to a click.

I recorded a quick screencast to show what it’s doing.

EDIT: This error was caused by a Javascript conflict between the older extension Multiselect to Checkboxes and Subsection Manager. The Mulitselect extension has some older Javascript which was conflicting. So this is NOT an error with Subsection Manager.

Hey Nils,

Came across a really odd bug today using 2.2 and SSM 1.1.

On my entry I had a SSM field called Promotions that had 3 items in it. I then created a datasource and selected the SSM field for output. When I ?debug the corresponding page, only 2 of the items were being returned.

I poked and prodded through your code and found that in the appendFormattedElement it queries the sym_fields_stage_sorting table and then iterates over these sorted entries to output. When I checked the corresponding row in that table, it only had 2 items in the order column, not 3.

So I went back into the backend and just dragged the items around, it seemed to update the row in the database and everything worked again.

Any ideas why one of the entries wasn't included? I'm afraid I don't know much more about in what order the items were added.

Hm, that's strange. Is this an updated install? I thought SSM first returns sorted items and appends leftovers afterwards, but I have to check that (I haven't touched that area for a while). It might take a moment until I post back - too many things at once this month ...

I use SubsectionManager version 1.0.1, Symphony 2.1.2.

I added elements to Subsection in frontend field like so

<input type="hidden" name="fields[images][0]" value="605"/>
<input type="hidden" name="fields[images][1]" value="607"/>

How i can sort elements in frontend?

I found Field in Back-end like

<input name="fields[sort_order][114]" type="hidden" value="604,607,605,603,606"/>

and i don`t guess yet, how i can get subsectionManager-ID (114) in frontend, to sorting my entries.

That's indeed a problem. To get the field ID you will have to write a custom data source providing this information.

I've a problem filtering my datasource via Subsection Manager.

I'm using it too assign tags (or categories) to a post so you can add more without going to another section.

My datasource is set up correctly, as when I just use a Selectbox linking to the Tags section, it works fine, though when I change it too Subsection Manager, I get this error in the XML:

<error>MySQL Error (1054): Unknown column 't42_1.value' in 'where clause' in query "SELECT SQL_CACHE `e`.id,
                    `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`,
                    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date`
            FROM `sym_entries` AS `e`

                LEFT JOIN
                    `sym_entries_data_42` AS t42_1
                    ON ( = t42_1.entry_id)

            WHERE 1

            AND `e`.`section_id` = '10' 

                AND t42_1.value IN ('test')

            ORDER BY `e`.`id`DESC
            LIMIT 0, 20"</error>

Is there something I'm doing wrong, or do I need a cusom datasource? Cheers!

EDIT: Forgot to mention I'm using Smphony 2.2 and the latest SSM.

I managed to solve this! I hadn't set up the output correctly.

Just a bug with the form when creating a new entry, the newest one is about half the size, cutting off the delete button. See both images attached!

SSM Bug 2.png and SSM Bug 1.png


Could you tell me how you managed to solve the issue? I had this issue with Symphony 2.2 and the latest SSM, but I ended up adding some code to field.subsectionmanager.php as per -

Obviously I would rather not use have to use a patch so any pointers would be very much appreciated..


I'm not sure if I understood Mark's initial bug report. Could you both please elaborate? Thanks!

Hi Nils,

Don't quite have the time right now to do a full report, but essentially I'm suffering from the same problem as this post

Implementing your fix in the following post resolves this issue.

Hope that helps,

These are my first posts here by the way, I should say great work to all of you on all of this.


Can subsection entries be limited to the section they were created on? If I create subsection entry on main entry A, and then I create new main entry B and look from subsection entries, I can see there the entry that I created on main entry A. And that's what I don't want.

If this cannot be achieved with subsection manager, how I can do this without leaving main entry page?

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