
Thanks nick. I’ll give it a go when I get a chance.

so i updated to the latest version, and after doing a couple tests, I thought I was going to have to reorder everything by hand, but once I reordered one entry, every entry added it’s order. so needless to say, I was very pleased that it worked so simply.

thanks, nick!

once I reordered one entry, every entry added it’s order

This was the problem 1.7 addressed. I mucked it up the first time, but glad it’s sorted now. Enjoy!

Hi Nick,

I’m also hanving some problems after upgrading from 1.2 to 1.7.

It seems the reordering is gone, even after trying wtdtan’s trick (adding a new item).

Also the ‘Disable sorting of other columns when enabled’ option is not saved when changed. Can I fix this?

  1. Did you Disable the Enable the extension to upgrade?
  2. What version of Symphony are you using, does it have jQuery in symphony/assets/?

Hi Nick, I’m not sure about the first one ;). Could I disable it now and reinstall 1.7?

I’m using 2.0.4 and Jquery is installed and running ok it seems, no javascript errors coming up.

@bd_creations - DO NOT uninstall. just disable then reenable.

Thanks wtdtan, but that didn’t work. Adding new entries didn’t do the trick either.

I’m guessing the database is not picking up the changes seeing the ‘Disable sorting of other columns when enabled’ option is not saved?

I tried disabling the extension and then a re-install. I also tried adding a few new items, renaming and deleting/adding the order field, but none worked.

I’m still guessing the database is somehow preventing the ordering seeing the ‘Disable sorting of other columns when enabled’ setting is not saved?

I also checked which POST fields are made with a save:

  • fields[5][id] = 200
  • fields[5][label] = Order
  • fields[5][location] = main
  • fields[5][show_colomn] = no
  • fields[5][show_colomn] = yes
  • fields[5][force_sort] = yes

The double show_colomn seems not right?

show_column is a generic thing used for all fields, not just Order Entries. I don’t think it’s that. Can you check your database for a table sym_fields_order_entries and tell me what columns you see in there. You should see id, field_id and force_sort. If the field ID is 200 then you should also see a table named sym_entries_data_200 with columns id, entry_id and value.

There seem to be no entries, and I only see id and field_id. I guess that’s why the settings are not saved

Odd. Upgrading from a version older than 1.6 should have modified the table. Try this query:

ALTER TABLE `sym_fields_order_entries` ADD `force_sort` enum('yes','no') DEFAULT 'no'

I will, but has that query the potential to mess things up?

I’m running it on a site which will cause me pretty big head-aches if it get’s down now ;).

Not at all, it just adds the missing column to the Order Entries table. It won’t harm anything else.

Ok thanks Nick, I will try it out (I’ll make a sql dump to be sure though ;)).

Great stuff, it worked. Thanks, that saved me some head-aches :)

Updated the code to version 1.8:

  • Added the ability to hide the Order number field from entry form

This means that with this option checked, and the “disable sorting” option also checked, a client cannot interfere with ordering manually at all.

Todo list:

  • allow reverse ordering

Nice enhancement :)

Added the ability to hide the Order number field from entry form

Very cool. Thanks Nick.

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