
Maybe Github offers statistic data via their API?

Only number of watchers and number of forks. They don't yet show downloads or clones, although I'm pretty sure they used to. Maybe they'll bring it back.


I don't see what's wrong with having ratings or a vote-up/"like" button. If someone says "bad plugin no work" without a valid reason, a mod could just erase it. I personally would prefer "like" since it takes too much effort to determine if something is 3, 4, 5 stars and then back it up with a written review.

Also, it would be much easier if the new site scraped the download link from github and combined the extensions listing with the actual discussion. If possible, also separate the praise/thanks/review discussion from the support/bugs/how to use discussion.

I also agree with using tags in addition to categories. E.g. If I search "multilingual", Language Redirect won't show up, even though it's required for extensions like Multilingual Field.

Agreed, star ratings simply aren't useful, a boolean "I use this" or "I find this useful" is more valuable.

A couple of people have mentioned (in this thread) and elsewhere in the forum that they'd like the ability to define Sections in XML. While I haven't got it working in XML (and probably won't just yet), I've been toying with a proof of concept called Scaffolds that allows Sections to be created with JSON definitions.

At the moment it's pretty rough (which is why I haven't released it just yet), but I thought I'd throw it up on the radar in case someone duplicates the effort, or people had some additional ideas.

I'm working on adding Export to complement the Import, which means you could rapidly create common Sections across multiple sites. At work we find ourselves always creating the same sections for different clients (News, Events etc.), so the ability to export a definition to JSON and then be able to reuse it across other installations is a massive time saver for us (and hopefully others :D)

@brendo, Cool! Will take a look - thanks.

The idea of defining objects and relationships and having these maintained/updated by Symphony as changes to Sections are made appeals to me (e.g. RoR/SilverStripe), but this seems like it should be a great way of at least defining good starting points for Sections.

I love the fact that this allows us to define (base-) Sections in code. I never really liked/used Symphony Ensembles but would definitely use Scaffold to maintain a set of re-usable Sections.

These can be put in version control, even shared on e.g. Github for collaboration. One would still have to define the DS'es and Events manually (every time) but maybe these could be generated too(?)

Wonderful addition. Thanks a lot.

@davidhund Datasources, Events (and I guess Pages) have been considered and eventually I reckon we'll get there! wiki

@brendo Joyburgers! awesome feature... rapid construction of sections is gonna an be amazing tool.

I wouldn't mind a form builder for the front-end that stored entered data in an associated section. Does this exist? If not, I guess I'll have to get off my lazy chops and build one myself. ;)

Schema validation via /?validate works like /?debug but validates against chosen XSD files provided by the user.

See mine and Nick's discussion here

If anyone wants to do this I will hump your leg like a horny dog.

sorry for using this as a todo list, but i count on coming back here as soon as i get some free time and perhaps garner some cohorts. the following is something i've been stirring around in my brain after explaining to someone the process involved in allowing a generic user to place images and misc uploaded media inline with content.

mixed media field

section editor

  • near clone of textarea field with available text formatters (may have to force markdown at first)
  • merge functionality of file upload field with allowed file types (regex), upload directory

publish page

  • upload/insert buttons similar to wordpress
  • simple lightbox with input type=upload, caption
  • markup with url is automatically appended at cursor
  • upon save, urls that reference the field's upload directory are cross-checked against the directory's file listing. if there is a missing counterpart, it is removed from either side. this will probably require a unique directory per field.

initial styling notes

  • user will need to be trusted to upload images that are the intended dimensions. css's max-width can be enforced, of course.
  • drag/drop functionality?

edit: redundant, see below.

Have you tried using Subsection Manager, which allows you to drag and drop image/file references into a textarea?

Have you tried using Subsection Manager, which allows you to drag and drop image/file references into a textarea?

usually, that's how i do it. it wasn't until i read this post that i decided to give it a second look and only then discovered you can change the drop text, which was my main issue (many of my clients aren't what you'd consider tech literate, so it would be difficult to trust them to mark up the url correctly).

thanks for the eye-opener, nick.

I may be out of the current subject, but I would LOVE to have an extension that permits me to set any field to a READ-ONLY mode only in edit of course. I searched and did not find any, except the one by @phoque that does it on the whole site.

Anybody would be interested in that ? And what about the feasibility?

If anyone wants to do this I will hump your leg like a horny dog.

@designermonkey: I was going to offer looking into it, but now I have second thoughts

@designermonkey, @remie: beware, I'll be humping remie's other leg too!

My legs are getting a bit crowded :) I have some spare time in the weekend, will try to get some basic implementation working.

@nitriques, you could very easily modify my Field Suppression extension to do what you need. But instead of hiding the selected fields, you would just give them a readonly attribute.

For those interested in Schema validation: i'm currently working on it locally, but i've created the GitHub repository for those who wish to follow it and be notified when it comes online: git://

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