
@animaux: If you are using the release candidate of version 2.0 you should be able to filter by this:

today - 1 year to today

The extension recognizes all relative dates known to PHP's DateTime object.

Version 2.0 Release Candidate 3

If no serious bug will be found this should be released as final version 2.0 by the end of the week:

Is it christmas already? :) Danke Nils!

Tiny thing: Would it be (optionally) possible to minimize the date-picker after creating or modifying a date? When creating multiple dates in a subsection I would otherwise have to do an extra-click when creating multiple dates, in order not to have the screen filled with date-pickers.

I'm not sure about this - wouldn't it be easier to add a separate script to the backend that closes the calendar after a click? I think there is at least one extension that allows custom backend scripts.

Hmn, not sure either, will look into this. Cheers!

By the way, this is the code you'd have to replicate:

// Closing
$('body').bind('click.datetime', function() {

    // Hide help

    // Hide calendar

Since it’s christmas — a thought about date ranges: I’d find it very useful if it was possible to define a date range without having to open the date-picker/calendar. I can imagine a button titled add range or something alike. The current layout works well for date-selection via cursor, but feels a bit unintuitive and roundabout when hacking in dates via keyboard.

(Apart from that, is there a way to localise the date-picker/calendar? Haven’t been able to find anything about that, maybe I’m just missing something very basic…)

Edit (image as attachedment rather than a stupid twitpic url)


Alexander, something seems to wrong with your image URL.

(Apart from that, is there a way to localise the date-picker/calendar? Haven’t been able to find anything about that, maybe I’m just missing something very basic…)

The calendar should respect your system or author language. At least it does on my installs.

The calendar should respect your system or author language. At least it does on my install

For some reason mine doesn’t :( Localisation works on the Date and Time Field itself, but not in the calendar. The author language was set to system standard, which is german. Changing it specifically to german doesn’t seem to work either. Not sure where to look for the problem.

Are you sure that all your files are up-to-date? Please check this line.

The line is the new (green) one. Seems up to date.

Could it be a permissions-issue?

(bzw. Is it hardcoded that the week starts with sunday?)

Hi Nils great work on this - just a question should the following work?

today to today +1 year

Been having trouble setting it to run; for some reason if I use today to today year it gives results assuming that today year includes the whole span until end of year - any ideas on what I am doing incorrectly would be grateful. Will have to check if the negative one works as I have no events in the past in-putted yet. using RC3 btw so should be on latest build.

Yikes, I have just taken a look in the webkit error console in the backend, and I get plenty of 500 Server errors regarding ajax/translastion. Guess this leads to the localisation problem.


Here’s a screenshot. Does anybody have an idea what’s going on here? :(

Bildschirmfoto 2011-06-14 um 09.42.08.png

This is not related to this extensions. Your screenshot shows the default Symphony language strings provided by admin.js. But yes, this might cause the untranslated calendar.

Thanks Nils, I see. But what might cause these ajax-problems?

I'm not sure - maybe a server misconfiguration? Best is to create a new thread and wait for the experts.

Ok, sorry, it was the Backend JavaScriptr-Extension doing the damage … still the original problem persists.

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