
Date and Time 2.0 Release Candidate 1

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The limit is applied to the result of the JOIN, not to a single table. In your example, the Date and Time extension stores its dates in sym_entries_data_63, which likely has two rows for your entry ID 16 (two dates). So when the query runs, it finds your entry twice.

I can see both arguments — in your example you have an entry with two dates (12-20 April and 22 April), and you only want to display it once. But alternatively if you wanted to show a timeline of events over the month of April (paginated), you'd want to display the entry twice on the list of entries.


But alternatively if you wanted to show a timeline of events over the month of April (paginated), you'd want to display the entry twice on the list of entries.

Ok, I understand. So, basically, this is how it works and I should deal with it :)

Date and Time 2.0 Release Candidate 2

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Please note that Date and Time requires Symphony 2.2.1!

It would be great if the translations could be updated before the final release so I'd happily accept pull requests :)

I can no longer specify a date formet with RC2 :(

I was hoping to just use the field to show a range of years (i.e. 1800-1844) is this possible?

In an attempt to decrease complexity, I removed that option. It would be possible to reintroduce custom formats but it makes support of the extension harder.

No worries Nils, I can understand.

It's certainly not an option, but the field respects your current date and time settings in config.php.

Nils, I have the field set to 'not' pre populate with todays date, yet when I try and save an entry without a date in it, it always saves today's date in there.

IMO this is a bug, as there are many occasions I would like to 'not' save a date in the field.

Yes, sounds like bug. I won't have time to look at it this week but hope to do so next week.

No probs, I changed my implementation anyway to use a range, so it's not urgent...

Thanks for responding so quick!

how to filter using date(suppose my date is 2011-05-04) alone in the data source

Just use the date as filter.

Filter Events by {$date}

Required URL Parameter $date

and in the url gave like this 2011-05-01

and my xml is like this

        <section id="205" handle="events">Events</section>
        <error>No records found.</error>

am not getting the values

any guidance

whether the date format is right ? what is the right date format to be passed ?

Dear Nils,

in reply to Comment #153: see attached screenshot :)

BusyCal for example lets you chose via Pulldown: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or user-defined.

The latter can be seen in the before-mentioned screenshot.

Bildschirmfoto 2011-06-07 um 10.47.50.png

@animaux: Thanks.

@jeeva: That looks alright to me. Which version of the extension are you using?

Nils - its 1.5

@nils you’re welcome, I guess it’s not something you’re planning to implement any time soon? I haven’t got a better solution at the moment than to let my customer hack in 36 dates manually …

Will send you a mail regarding this.

Another issue:

Is it possible to create a ds-filter via date and time field to only output entries that have dates in the last 365 days?

@jeeva: Actually I thought this should work in 1.5. It should in version 2.0 which should be released soon - I'm not sure if you have time to wait for the final release, but the release candidate available on Github is running quite stable for me.

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