
A note about compatibility

With Symphony 2.2RC1 a final release of the next version of the core comes closer. I’ve been working on a major update of this extension (version 2.0) since last December but it won’t be ready alongside Symphony 2.2 and as far as I know the 1.x branch of this extension is not compatible with Symphony 2.2 yet.

Is there anyone who could help testing and updating the current Date and Time release for Symphony 2.2?

Thanks in advance,


Posted on the issue tracker issue 1 and issue 2. Reply here after fixing so I can continue testing. Thanks!

Thanks, Vlad. You are working with the experimental branch (as it seems) which is the working branch for version 2.0 of this extension. Both issues are know and fixed in my local development copy. I will post a few updates on GitHub the next days.

Well, you asked for some testing for this extension on twitter. I found that the experimental branch was the last one updated so I took that one for testing.

Which branch is / will be the “2 test version” for Sym 2.2 ?

The development branch for Date and Time 2 is the experimental one. But it’s not up-to-date and I’d like to mail a development copy directly to those that like to test it. There are a lot of changes and both the updater and the interface are not finished yet, so I’m not sure I’d like to push this state of the extension to GitHub.

I’ll contact all those that responded to my tweet later this week.

Listen up, everybody! Nils hates open source! ;-)

Hah, finally someone notices it! :o)

Okay, for those who are eager to enter the deep forests of unfinished extensions: the current development build of Date and Time 2 for Symphony 2.2 is available as experimental branch on GitHub:

Please keep in mind that the interface is not feature complete yet (the time selector is missing for example) and that things might just not work. If you find issues, report them on GitHub please.


Could the default action of time slider to be adjusting the time instead of time range? And shift + drag would adjust the time range as shift + click adds and removes to and from date range?

That's a good idea. I have to admit that until now I have only been working on the range handling and not on the single time selection at all. I haven't found the time to finish the interface due to client projects that need to be done this month.

Symphony 2.2 compatibility

The experimental branch which contains the Symphony 2.2 compatible version of Date and Time has now been around for a few weeks and I like to revise it early April to get out version 2.0 beta soon.

If you noticed anything odd, a misbehaviour or just something strange, please post it on GitHub:

If you posted an issue here on the forum that has not been added to the issue tracker, please post it there, too, so it doesn't get lost. Thanks!

Help and Assistance

If you have time some spare time and like to fix some bugs, please post here or send a pull request on GitHub. Any help is greatly appreciated!


I have no idea how I missed this extension before, when I originally was trying to create a calendar. I wound up using a modified version of Rowan's Repeating Date field. The main difference I gather from his extension, is that you don't allow for repeating dates? If this is true, did you plan on implementing it? If not, I'll give it a try.

By repeating dates I mean, if given a Date Range (which the extension allows for), instead of be repeated every one day between a certain time, could it occur every two days, or three days, or week or whatever?

I have thought about it but haven't found a convincing interface as repeating dates might return every hour, every day, every two days, every three days, every what so ever. I'm open for ideas how to solve this.


Apologies if I'm rehashing old news, but it appears that this is breaking Subsection Manager when they are used together. Multiple div.stage instances are triggering the function on line 23 in stage.publish.js, causing multiple div.queues to be added to the Subsection Manager. I've attached screenshots to illustrate my issue.

It appears to have no effect on the Date/Time extension.

Multiplicity culprit:

$('div.stage').each(function() {
queue = $('<div class="queue"><ul></ul></div>'),

I wasn't sure if I should post this in the Subsection Manager thread or not, so forgive me if this is misplaced. If it isn't, I'll post it to issue tracker if you'd like.

Great extension, though! I'll be using this quite frequently, so thanks for the hard work.

Screen shot 2011-04-10 at 1.26.47 PM.png and Screen shot 2011-04-10 at 1.26.40 PM.png

Yes, it's a known issue and I'm working on fixing it. If you are using Date and Time in parallel with Subsection Manager you could try to just uncomment these lines as a temporary fix:

I'm already working on updates for both extensions but haven't found the time to finish them due to other projects. I hope to have releases ready soon. Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Date and Time 2.0 beta

Please checkout and test This beta release introduces:

  • Symphony 2.2 compatibility
  • Subsection Manager compatibility
  • new interface

If you find issues or bugs, please report them on Github:

Date and Time 2.0 beta 2

Version 2.0 introduces new filter options in the data source editor:

  • prefixing a filter with start: will only filter by start dates,
  • prefixing a filter with end: will only filter by end dates,
  • filters without prefixes will take the whole date range into account.

Filters separated by comma will find all dates that match one of the given dates or ranges. Filters separated by + will only find dates that match all of the given dates or ranges.

This extensions supports all relative dates known to PHP's DateTime class in data source filters. It also allow the creation of ranges with to or earlier than and later than.

Happy Easter!


One tricky thing:

Let's say I'm filtering these events by 2011-04 and limit the results to 5 results per page. The problem is that the SQL retrieval built by symphony counts the entries from DateTime table in the database thus limiting the number of start / end pairs instead of Events entries.

I hope it is clear enough.

This is the SQL that produces the output in attached image:

SELECT  `e`.id, `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date`
FROM `sym_entries` AS `e`
LEFT JOIN `sym_entries_data_63` AS `t63` ON `e`.`id` = `t63`.entry_id
AND `e`.`section_id` = '5'
AND (((`t63`.start BETWEEN '2011-04-01 00:00:00' AND '2011-04-30 23:59:00') OR (`t63`.end BETWEEN '2011-04-01 00:00:00' AND '2011-04-30 23:59:00')))
LIMIT 0, 5

As seen in the result, the ID = 16 repeats. Shouldn't this result be unique or something?

Events IDs and Titles:

17 -> Eveniment 3
16 -> Eveniment 2
20 -> Eveniment 6
15 -> Eveniment 1 Meta

Hm, that's tricky indeed. It makes perfectly sense that this happens. Is this also an issue with a selectbox link? If it is, this is a Symphony issue, if not, something can be done in this extension.

I just posted an issue on Symphony issue tracker. Check it out. I think it's Symphony pagination mechanism, instead of this extension.

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