
Most of the filters in the readme apply to symphony's default date field as well, i assume?

None of the prefixes. These are field specific.

later than and earlier than are known in both fields, but the implementation is different. Date and Time doesn't know equal to or for example. The plan is to unify the date filters over time.

Ok thanks, So documentation on filtering the default date field can be found here?

Yes, the PHP documentation provides all information about relative dates which can be used to filter both fields, the core one and Date and Time.

Additional information about the core field filters can be found here:

Perfect, thanks!

To get articles with an empty expiry date, I tried to add an additional filter. Like so (line 514, field.datetime.php + two additions that seemed logical):

// Filter to include all empty dates
case self::EMPTYDATE:
$tmp[] = "((`t$field_id`.start IS NULL))";

And this does seem to work! My PHP is at a very basic level, so I hope this is an ok thing to do.

Date and Time has moved!

Please note that this extension moved to a new home:

Could an admin please close this thread?

For everybody using this extension as a submodule: Fear not, the submodule's history is still there, you will be able to continue working with it.

Only once you decide to update it, you'll have to switch repositories.

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