
When documenter is enabled checkboxes in Section Editor does not work. At least on OS-X in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

Indeed. Very strange. Looking into it.

Documenter updated to version 0.9.7 beta on 10th of February 2010

  • Fixed conflict with Symphony’s duplicator.js

I’ve changed beginning of function to:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

    //$ = jQuery;

and works now :)

Actually, it was a conflict with Symphony’s duplicator.js, specifically the use of the class name expanded, which caused the checkbox issue and a few other problems. That’s been fixed as you’ll see noted above.

Nevertheless, your JS change is a good one anyway, so I’ll incorporate that in the next version. Thanks :)

Been thinking about some sort of a “tutorial mode” for this extension… basically allowing you to attach special bits of documentation that will pop up in a JS window or something when a user is looking at a page for the first time (or until they dismiss it). This will allow you to create a sort of guided tour for your clients when you hand off a project.

Haven’t decided exactly how to implement it yet, though, or what the ideal UX should be…

Thoughts are welcome.

I like the idea of that czheng.

Would using the built in Symphony alerts be a possible implementation path?

If a page is detected as unviewed (or not dismissed) by the current Author, an “alert” is shown at the top of the page with something like “Hey, looks like this is the first time viewing/using {x}, need a hand? Yes, help me”. Upon clicking “Yes, Help me” (or whatever) it could trigger the Documenter rollover effect.

So essentially, it’s just giving a bit more ‘attention’ to the fact that help is available on this page, and will open the current Documenter interface.

What did you have in mind? How were you going to determine if a page has been visited or not?

Would using the built in Symphony alerts be a possible implementation path?

Yeah that’s not a bad idea. I’m all for consistency.

What did you have in mind?

Nothing in particular. I only got as far as thinking about the function and how it could be useful. Haven’t thought a whole lot about implementation. That’s why I posted here. Let smarter people figure it out for me ;)

How were you going to determine if a page has been visited or not?

Dunno. Could do something session- or cookie-based I guess. I’m very much a beginner in that regard.

Dunno. Could do something session- or cookie-based I guess. I’m very much a beginner in that regard.

A table could be inserted with a row using the AdminPagePreGenerate delegate. This row would contain the AuthorID, date/time, the times they’ve viewed the page and say a dismiss boolean.

I don’t know if it can be that black/white about if there is a row, display tutorial, if not, don’t. If a curious user just clicks around to have a look at things, wanting to come back to them later, they might be a bit confused if the ‘Help Alert’ isn’t there upon revisiting the page. Therefore, the ‘how many times’ field could increment to 3/4 page views, to show on the first few page loads (or until unless they dismiss it earlier).

Another option is that the Tutorial Mode wouldn’t display until that page is ‘actioned’ on, ie. Section is saved, Page is created etc. I’m not sure what delegates you’ve have to trap into to determine that though.

To save annoying seasoned developers, the Documenter should provide a way to turn Tutorial Mode on/off for Authors.

Thats my morning brain dump on it :)

How about we do something like the #blackcurtain div on the fat-man-collective site. (Try clicking on something like Digital Creatives to see the panel slide out from the left side).

As far as I know, 2.1 has implemented something similar.

As far as I know, 2.1 has implemented something similar.

Unfortunately those things we did were experiments and may not end up in 2.1.

Awesome! Nice one Craig!

I use the TinyMCE formatter, which doesn’t display on the textfield. Am I using the wrong type of text formatter for this extension?

Love this!

Some inconsistency with the title element though - I was just trying to explain the formatting is off for entries without a title (some padding needed at the top of the doc. div) and that entries without a title can’t be opened anymore, but then - I got an error when trying to save an entry without a title. So yeah.

  • error shown when trying to save a new entry without a title
  • no error shown when deleting the title and re-saving the entry

@designermonkey: Not sure. Have never tried it as I am not a fan of TinyMCE. So when you try to edit a Documenter item you just get a plain textarea? And you’ve selected TinyMCE in preferences?

@Johanna: Thanks, will try to fix that soon.

A bug I discovered:

Let’s say you’re looking at a section entry and your window has a scroll bar. When opening the documenter, the scroll bar disappears, the section entry content gets cut off but the symphony footer (ul “usr”) sits at the bottom of the page. Might sound confusing, but the screenshots should show what I’m talking about.

Documenter closed // Documenter open

Strange. Thought I’d got all that window sizing stuff sorted. But then again, I’m pretty much a noob with JS. Thanks, Johanna.

Version: 0.9.7 (beta) is the right one to use, isn’t it?

I have come across a few css issues when including links, lists and such so I’ve forked the main repository and will send you a pull request when I’ve done some clean-up work. I guess I’ll be done sometime early next week.

Documenter updated to version 0.9.8 beta on 20th of April 2010

  • Included Johanna’s style fixes.

I am using the documenter in a section that uses Nils’ Subsection Manager and have run into an unfortunate display problem: the documenter is partly hidden by the stage iFrame (see attachment).

What to do?


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