
Hmm… maybe a wrong Z-Index? Iframes are always a bit… peculiar, especially in IE.

What to do?

Make Nils fix it! You’re the boss, right? ;)

I’ll see if I can find a moment to check this out later in the week.

Make Nils fix it! You’re the boss, right? ;)

I told her that you’d say that!!
And I told her that documentations or documenters are none of my business :P

You’re the boss, right? ;)

I am. I would be very surprised for it to be a z-index problem, at least setting a high z-index for the documenter didn’t do the trick. And I am not using IE. (Come on!)

You’re the boss, right? ;)

I am.


Must be a bug.

Must be a bug.

I’m working on a fix for that ;)

I’ll see if I can find a moment to check this out later in the week.

Craig, have you had a chance to check it out?

Bump … not to get on anyone’s (= Craig’s) nerves, just as a reminder that I’m still very much interested in a possible solution to the layer problem when using Documenter + Subsection Manager.

I have been using this extension extensively (hah!) for a project and it worked like a charm to have all the documentation right there in the system instead of setting up a “help handout” as a PDF as I have done before. How are other people handling this introduction / recollection issue of how to work with Symphony for client projects?

You’re the best. If only you could remind me of all the other things I need to do too… ;)

Will take a look today. Promise.

Will take a look today. Promise.

£1 you don’t.

I couldn’t find a way to fix this in Documenter itself. The only thing that worked was changing the CSS in Subsection Manager. Right now, div.stage ul li.drawer (line 84 in symphony.subsectionmanager.css) has a z-index of 1000. Setting it to 1 fixes the problem, but I’m not sure if that would mess up anything else in that extension…

@Johanna, I’ve also pushed a fix for that resizing bug you pointed out. It’s on Github. If that fixes your problem, I’ll tag a new version.

So it’s up to me then you say. Well, changing the z-index will complicate things. But Hana, I will have a look at it over the weekend. I promise! (And you know she’s the boss …)

Thanks guys (and husband). I’ll check that fix tomorrow and report back. Promise.

I’m £1 down.

So I checked out the current version of the Documenter today and found a way to fix the issue: you need to set ul#nav to a z-index higher than 1000 as this is the container of the documenter panel.

Furthermore I found a few issues in connection with other JavaScript based extensions (Publish Filtering I’m looking at you). I rewrote the current JavaScript implementation to no longer mess around with the page height. Johanna and I will soon push these changes to our forks of the Documenter and the Publish Filtering extension. Hopefully this will resolve the problems.

Furthermore I found a few issues in connection with other JavaScript based extensions (Publish Filtering I’m looking at you).

Eeep sorry. Drop me a note through Github and I’ll merge the fix.

Here are the fixes:

One thing I have to note: The Documenter fixes will change the extension behaviour slightly. The documentation will now show a scrollbar if the text gets longer than the window height — it automatically rescales when the user resizes the window.

By the way:

I promise! (And you know she’s the boss …)

Do I get € 1 because I kept my promise? Johanna?

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