
Nils, how can I "leave" a collapsible block? I am using markdown with smartypants. Tried new paragraphs or new headings (h1, h2) but they all remain in the last collapsible h3 block.

Thanks for any hint.

It's currently only possible with a note or with a separate text attached to the same page.

with a separate text attached to the same page.

Works. Thanks! Never thought of linking multiple ducumenter entries to the same page...

Trying the extension.

This is very useful. Thanks a lot!! :D

I’m using Johanna’s fork, however this might apply to both forks:

When I select a certain amount of sections for a specific documentation, all selections beyond a certain point are deselected again after saving. It seems like only 11 sections can be selected at once. This doesn’t really makes sense, what could be the problem? I tried this in current Safari and Firefox on OS X plus ie8 on XP, so it doesn’t seem to be a browser problem.

Update: If anyone else is experiencing this Problem: a workaround is to duplicate the documentation entry, and assign the new one to the leftover entries. You can even use the same title.

I’m using Johanna’s fork, however this might apply to both forks …

Johanna's fork only differs in the styling and JavaScript implementation so the problem should be the same for both flavours of Documenter.

This is a known issue, reported above, and it's to do with the format of the field in MySQL.

@czheng sorry, should have read the whole thread more carefully :|

Has anyone else encountered the extension forgetting to format the help text in Markdown? I cut and pasted from one document to another and low and behold, Documenter no longer speaks Markdown in any of the documents. Have upgraded Symphony to 2.2.3, uninstalled the extension and reinstalled it, no joy.

This is what I see...

alt text


Well, this extension definitely needs an update to latest Symphony version (new accessors and stuff).

Has anyone else encountered the extension forgetting to format the help text in Markdown?

It's an issue. It doesn't apply text formaters as it should.

Have you checked if Markdown is selected in the Symphony preferences?

Have you checked if Markdown is selected in the Symphony preferences?

Yes, CKEditor is enabled :)

Johanna and I have a few ideas how to improve this extension. I have talked to Craig (who is quite busy at the moment) on Twitter and he will provide us with his current development build (after having cleaned it up a bit).

Have you checked if Markdown is selected in the Symphony preferences?

Aaaah. That was it. Sorry. I should have spotted that. Thanks Nils.

Johanna and I have a few ideas how to improve this extension.

Its already amazing, especially with Nils' and Johanna's tweaks, so I can't wait to see where it goes next.

Thanks for this great extension! I was translating Documenter into Finnish and stumbled upon a couple of translation-related bugs. I'll create pull requests for those and upload my translation soon.

Okay, it's been silent here for a while. Johanna and I would like to update our styles for Symphony 2.3 and merge them with the main repository. In this context, we'd like to change a few things conceptually (like storing the documentation in the file system for better portability) but we'd need help from someone with better PHP understanding.

Is there anyone around who'd be interested in working with us on this?

What needs to be done?

I'd love to push some commits on that extension too.

I'll write up our ideas and post them here later today.

We need to be careful with this one. There have been updates for 2.3 compatibility pushed into the symphonists repo for this extension which has caused a diversion from Nils and Johanna's version.

This may take some work to rectify.

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