
@brendo cheers! Sounds plausible, will check on that!

Yikes, the collation actually was latin1_swedish_ci for whatever reason … now it works flawless, many thanks!


Can you log an issue, please?
The installer and updater should be fixed to use the right collation.

I have just dared to send my first ever git-pull request, so feel free to whip me if I did it wrong. :) Anyway I’m beginning to feel like a true git!

Is the issue mentioned here still not fixed in Documenter 2.1.1? Or do I need to change something in the Database to fix this (since my installation was updated from an older version)?

I think this is still a problem – and I have no idea how to fix it.

This is apparently fixed.

To manually check whether this fix works, can you tell me whether the pages column in the db table is varchar(255) or text?

@designermonkey thanks for pointing me! Will check on monday.

@designermonkey could you please point me to which table exactly I have to check? Cheers!

EDIT: found it, it’s varchar(255). Guess it should be text then?

It should, yes. If you change the column type it should work.

Naaa … it seems to have broken something else. Now I’m not able to resave entries anymore :( Symphony reports and error saying »see details below«, but is not showing anything below …

I guess the best thing might be to un- and reinstall the extension and thus redocumenting everything (I should have all the texts saved locally)?

Sorry for spamming this thread: I have just discovered that saving a documenter-entry without selecting a section renders a mean symphony error.

o the fix does work? Can you log an issue for the error on github?


Will do! The fix seems to work, but apparently does not fix legacy data. In my case changing the table to text did break something, so I un- and reinstalled it. Though I had to copy&paste all the documentation from my backup it does work like a charm now!

glad it's working.

If I have the documenter drawer already open and open an edit page of an entry with a subsection I get a second drawer inside the subsection :(

Is anyone else experiencing this too?

I haven’t been able to tackle this by means of css. Is there a way to make documenter create a drawer only in the main html document and not in iframes?


Bildschirmfoto 2013-01-15 um 09.39.39.png

That's not a problem of the Documenter but of Subsection Manager. Have you tried setting the Drawer to display: none in subsection.publish.css?

Danke Nils!

as a workaround I have added the following lines under Line 202:

// Get rid of possible Documenter Drawer
subsection.find('div.drawer-vertical-right div#contents').removeAttr('style');

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