
Hi, has anybody solved this issue? Thanks.

First off, I love what I have seen of this extension and I think it is going to be a huge help. My question: can I not add documentation to Symphony Pages? Like, individual Pages under Blueprints?


The Documenter extension is only for sections, as it is there to assist Authors when using the sections to add and edit data.

As the Pages are specifically a Developer area, it doesn't have Documenter functionality.

I suppose it could be modified to do this though.

John, that is not correct. Documentation can be attached to any backend page.

@Nils - does that mean I am missing something as far as how to add documentation to individual Pages?

Are you talking about pages of a certain id? That is indeed not possible, but you can attach documentation to the index and the new and edit pages.

Thanks for the clarification @Nils - sometimes I wonder if I am using Symphony sort of backwards with all the questions I ask that no one seems to have needed answered before...

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