
Just create a new standard Symphony event for the Members section :) You can read more about setting up Members on the wiki.

You may also find Michael's Members Forms utilities really helpful for creating Members forms and handling error responses.

Thank you Brendo.

I would like to display a member's username as an author in a comment thread. And then on a separate page I would like to display all comments left by a member. Is there an easy way to do that?

I know that the extension outputs the member's id as a parameter but I would also like to get the username.

create a datasource logged-in-member-info that uses that parameter against the members section.

Great. Thank you Adam.


I'm just attempting to get the members extension to send an email out from my development machine (mac) via Gmail. I have the following settings in manifest/config.php

'email_smtp' => array(
    'from_name' => 'Symphony CMS',
    'from_address' => 's********',
    'host' => 'ssl://',
    'port' => '465',
    'secure' => 'tls',
    'auth' => '1',
    'username' => 's********',
    'password' => '*******',

I'm using the members-forms as a starting point and I'm trying to find out if the system currently should send email out the the user registering ok.

Thanks in advance.

I am not a Gmail expert, but you might have to switch from 'tls' to 'ssl' in order to connect successfully.

To test my email configuration, I always send a "password forgotten" email first. If that does not work, take a look at Symphony's log file — the Core Email API will do a rather good job in logging problems. Once it works, climb the next step: Create an email template and make the regisration event use this.

Ah, and don't miss the Members wiki!

Keep in mind @slarti42uk that the Member's extension doesn't do any automatic mailing for you. It provides the hooks for the Email Template Manager and Email Template Filter extension to do this for you. As @michael-e said, the wiki is an awesome resource (and we'd love to make it better if there's things missing!)

I am having problems with the reset password email.

The password reset event is working fine and is linked to an ETM filter.

The email is being sent and is using a data source called "reset" to determine who to send the email to.

The problem is that the data source doesn't have a filter on it, so at the moment the email is sent to the first email in the list of members. I can't figure out how to filter the data source in order to only send the email to the correct member.

Should this DS be filtered? If not, what am I doing wrong?

EDIT: I have noticed that the expires date in the sum_entries table is always set tp the exact time the reset request is submitted (rather than 24 hours in the future). Is this right?

I can't figure out how to filter the data source in order to only send the email to the correct member.

Try filtering System ID by {$etm-entry-id}. The ETM extension creates this param at rumtime, and the value will be the entry ID that you are processing with the event. This took a looong time for me to get my head around.

Jeez, its the omnipresent @ Nick Dunn!

Try filtering System ID by {$etm-entry-id}. the correct answer. And of all the things I had tried, none of them were anywhere near that. Thanks very much.

I’ve almost finished setting up the marvelous Members extension for the very first time and everything works fine thanks to all the wise tips present in this thread, in the wiki and in the michael-e Members Forms read-me.

The only thing I’m not able to accomplish is restricting the editing of an entry through a normal Symphony event by means of the Event Level Permissions in the Member Roles panel: I checked the Edit Own checkbox, I created a new member and as the new member – logged in – I created a new entry through the normal Symphony event via front end. Unfortunately when I tried to edit such an entry the system didn’t allow me to do that:

    <member-login-info logged-in="yes" id="25" result="success" />
    <new-sound result="error">
        <filter name="permission" status="failed">You are not authorised to perform this action.</filter>
            <title>On Battleship Hill</title>
        <message>Entry encountered errors when saving.</message>

Instead if I check the Edit All checkbox everything works fine. I assumed the entry is automatically associated to the member who created it, am I wrong? What am I missing?

(I’m using Symphony 2.2.4RC1)

I assumed the entry is automatically associated to the member who created it, am I wrong? What am I missing?

Not quite. An entry's ownership is claimed when there is a 'linking field' between that entry and the member's entry. I say 'linking field' because there is no one dedicated field that can do this, it's actually any field that uses Symphony's section associations, which is all the usual suspects, Select Box Link, Reference Link and Subsection Manager.


Users section

Username: Member: Username
Password: Member: Email
Name: Text Input

Comments section

Related Member: Select Box Link linking Users:Username

When you create a new a comment, you'd use a hidden field, or Default Event Values extension to prevent it being DOM hacked), with the current $member-id. This link will then establish that the currently logged in Member owns that comment.

Hope that helps!

@brendo That was the missing piece of the puzzle! I set up a Reference Link and I tested again everything: now it works perfectly, many thanks!!!

Thanks for the great extension.

Would there by anyway to login a user on the same event they use to register (create entry)?

The use case is a new / existing customer sign-in form. Where the user can sign in or create a new account.

If the user signs in they are taken to the next step where the member id pulls the correct information, but unfortunately, the new customer would have to redirect the user to a sign-in form even though they have just entered their email/password combination.

Good suggestion. It's been logged (#44) so hopefully we'll see it implemented at some point.

Thanks, sorry I didn't check the github.

Good suggestions on there for implementation too - great news!


Just playing about with this extension and it looks really good - thanks!

I've set up two sections - content and members. When I'm creating content entries, I want to select which member roles will have access to view them.

So for instance, I plan to create groups called "Freelancers" and "Staff" - as I create content I will decide whether one or more groups should be able to access them.

I thought I'd create a select box and choose Roles as the dynamic values, but it seems this is not possible.

Is there a different approach I should take?

Also I wondered whether it's possible to assign a user to multiple roles? So a user might have the group "Staff" and "Admin".

Thanks, James

You should check out the Author Roles extension, Members is orientated towards the frontend, not backend.

Hi Brendo,

This will be in the front-end.

I'm thinking of building a password manager which allows users to access passwords once logged in via the front-end, and the passwords they can access will depend on their member role.

I suppose I could build this functionality just in the Symphony back-end, but I would rather build a branded front-end.

Thanks, James

I thought of a better way of doing it - I'm making minimal use of the member's group system and built my own grouping using a separate section.

Thanks anyway!

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