
If you're having trouble getting started with the membership extension, here's an ensemble

Is it possible to filter entries by members in a datasource? Like the member profiles in this forum? I would like each member to create entries that can only be seen and edited by them (and the admin). So not public and not members-only, but truly private. Similar to a newsletter signup profile. As far as I know such membership management is not included nor its setup described in Michael-e's newsletter extension. And the official forum ensemble also isn't launched yet.

Would this mean that each member has their own section? What is the most elegant way to set this up?

@newnomad, about 'privacy' feature:

take a look at Field: Filter extension. you can compare current url param with $member-id. theoretically (i didn't tried it yet), you can apply complex pre-filtering scenario with this extension.

I realise that such a functionality would be too much to dream for, but I will be very grateful for any advice on how to approach the following:

The intention is to filter entries based on the current member's role, which isn't a problem.

However, if these entries are images, videos, documents or other types of static files everyone could type in the location and access it directly.

An approach I imagine (but this could only be applied to images, if at all possible) is denying all access to the relevant directory with an .htaccess rule and serve the images with JIT. Of course, there is the problem of how to make JIT respect member roles when serving the images...

Or maybe a different idea is to imagine that the Members extension allows setting permissions not only to pages, but to directories as well, and files inside it - on the permission settings page: a multiple select field that lists all folders inside the workspace, where denied access can be specified.

I think the second idea is more suited to solve the problem for whatever the file type, even though this would require saving the entries in different directories (files/public, files/role-2, files/role-3 etc.)... and also lots of custom coding.

I feel lost at this. Any any comment is highly appreciated!

EDIT: I am beginning to think that the only solution is through .htaccess... (somehow allowing the requests only from the localhost). Since it can't be solved with the members extension, I apologise for this post.

here's a bit of an oddity. i was unable to attach any email template filters to the members events. after selecting one and hitting submit, the page would simply refresh and nothing would have changed.

after some careful troubleshooting and analysis (vodka and cigarettes), i took a peek at the webkit dev console and noticed that on the events page specifically, i was getting chastised for not having a 403.shtml or 404.shtml. after touching these pages, sure enough, the events saved successfully with their filters.

is this github issue-worthy?

  • symphony 2.2.5
  • members 1.1.1
  • email template filter 1.1.0

after some careful troubleshooting and analysis (vodka and cigarettes)

Mine's usually beer/bourbon and heavy metal :)

It's quite a strange error as Symphony doesn't know/care about those files, especially with the .shtml extension. Is this a requirement in your server setup at all?

I'm curious as to how Members (which loads things with AJAX) triggers that warning though. Do you have any other extensions that use AJAX calls in the backend (Date and Time is one)? Do they also produce errors?

Is it possible with the members extension to provide members with a direct login url? like you can in symphony with your authors?
What i would like to do is send a newsletter to all members, containing a link to a page where you need to log-in in order to make a reservation.
So a direct login link in this case would skip the process of loggin in. I have noticed that lot's of users don't make the reservation because of this extra step...

@brendo is this possible (direct login url)? anyone?

I'm curious as to how Members (which loads things with AJAX) triggers that warning though. Do you have any other extensions that use AJAX calls in the backend (Date and Time is one)? Do they also produce errors?

i'm pretty sure it was a server thing. it doesn't seem to happen on any of the other servers i work on.

somewhat related to that, i recently pushed a site from development to production and now it's giving me an error on a particular page that is set up to require membership login.

The page you have requested has restricted access permissions.

the odd thing is, if i'm logged into /symphony/, it correctly shows the members login page. did i misconfigure something?

the odd thing is, if i'm logged into /symphony/, it correctly shows the members login page. did i misconfigure something?

Nope, you haven't done anything wrong here. If you are logged in to the backend, frontend restrictions won't apply. There has been a discussion about this, and it has been decided that this is the right behaviour. (To me it still feels like "black magic", and it makes things hard to test.)

Nope, you haven't done anything wrong here. If you are logged in to the backend, frontend restrictions won't apply.

i'd agree that this seems like the proper behavior.

i see now where my fault was. i was persistently logged in to the admin on my development server, so of course i never saw this error.

so if i understand this correctly, when configuring member roles, if you want to present a login screen on pages that are restricted to members, rather than selecting pages to deny access to under page level permissions, the logic should be incorporated in the xsl?

Yep, you are right. Forbidden access will throw the 403 page, but a login form can be presented using XSLT.

But this native event returns the ID of the newly created entry (=member), and you can easily filter a datasource by this ID to return data of the new member (including the activation field which will output the code as long as the member is not activated).

Maybe I missed something, but how can I filter a datasource by event-output (something like events/member-new/@id)?

Edit: Section 2.3 Parameters (event filters only!) seems like a solution to my problem...

For some reason I can't get the member roles to work. In the backend the extension is already complaining about a missing Role field, and in the extension.driver.php file the extension_Members::getFieldHandle('role') always returns null.

This causes the 'blacklisting' to do nothing.

I am using the integration branch of both Members and Symphony. Any ideas?

From what I can remember the integration branch of Members is broken at the moment. It's halfway between 2.3 updates and some new changes to lazy load the fields.

I'm going through the Members repo this weekend so if it can wait, awesome, otherwise you might have to use the master branches.

Ah, that explains a lot. Bummer, I really liked being on the cutting edge for once :-)

Master branch it is for me, then!

The master branch is working brilliantly, pretty much everything I could ever wish for can be done without too much trouble, thanks!

However, I do have one problem: I am using the home page as my "error, you are not logged in" page. Currently, there is no way to tell the normal pageview from a 403 pageview. Is there any way to do this, without creating a new page, make that the 403 page and import the home page's template?

Not that I can think of. You could possibly give the homepage a 403 page type as well, but you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a normal home page view and one from a 403.

I'm heavily using the members extension on my BoxedUpFun website (and loving it, BTW) but having some issues where some members get a duplicate "activation" entry in the database. Any ideas on what might cause this to happen? I obviously have a lot of front-end events that allow a member to edit their profile. Admittedly, I'm still on Sym 2.2.3 and Members 1.1.1. I will plan on upgrading soon, but haven't seen anyone else talking about such an issue?

a duplicate "activation" entry in the database

What exactly do you mean? Duplicate Member IDs in the Members' field table? (I can't find any in my installation.)

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