
Ha –- sorry, I just edited my previous post to remove the superfluous question (because I checked it, saw that it worked and didn't want to waste your time), but you got in too quick. Thanks again.

I edited mine as well to make it coherent again ;)

@remie: that's good to know! Thanks.

{$member-id:0} also does the same trick, when $member-id doesn't exist it will fallback to 0. You can also chain this, ie. $user-pets:$all-pets:0

I'm currently working on a password recovery functionality using Members and Email Template Manager. It all works fine until I'll set up a redirect using a hidden value as explained in the event documentation (<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{$root}/"/>). As soon as I redirect the user, I'm no longer able to pick the recovery code from my event XML:


(The node <recovery-code>357bad74966064aa78821f51171657c768885828</recovery-code> is missing as you can see.)

It's been a long time since I have been working with events, so maybe this is a stupid question but is there anything special I need to take care of to make this work? Or is it simply not possible to retrieve the code and use a redirection?

Edit: Nevermind, I had a problem with my database.

Don't tinker with the database!


Actually, I didn't – I just created my members before adding the password field :)

I am running Symphony 2.3 and I was trying the members extension (1.2RC2 integration branch). I can't seem to create a new user. I believe I set it up right. I created a members section with username,email,password,role, and activation. I created an Event and set my members section as the source and added the lock activation and lock role filters. I then have a page that has the new member event on it and it post the username,email, and password. Am I missing something or is this a problem with the members extention?

The Error I am getting: Symphony Warning: array_reduce() [function.array-reduce]: The second argument, '__reduceType', should be a valid callback

You can find the full error here

I stumbled across the same problem and posted an issue on Github:

The readme states that there are two possible ways to log users out: either by adding a link or a form. Using the first method works perfectly but if I try the second one nothing happens. I'm really interested in the second option as is allows custom redirections.

Is there anything I need to do to make it work?

I'm using Members 1.2 RC on Symphony 2.3 with the markup mentioned in the read me:

<form method="post" autocomplete='off'>
    <input type='hidden' name='redirect' value='{$root}/anmeldung/' />
    <input name="member-action[action]" type="submit" value="Logout" />

Every form needs an action as far as I recall. Have you tried adding that?

Just tried that and it doesn't change anything.

Shouldn't it be

<form method="post" autocomplete='off'>
    <input type='hidden' name='redirect' value='{$root}/anmeldung/' />
    <input name="member-action[logout]" type="submit" value="Logout" />


Edit: I changed the name attribute of the submit input. An I think you can add a redirect parameter to the link version as well to do the redirect.

Aha! Thanks, Jonas, that was the problem.

Anyway to add a default timezone country for the section instead of having to navigate to the correct country thru region e.g. Asia -> Singapore?

Great extension! I have a few questions though:

1) Is there a way to add a field or two to the registration form? I have a front end area that requires the information already in the registration from, but I also need to ask for a couple additional pieces of info. Is there a way to include those fields on the form? This seems like a simple thing, and I feel like I may have missed something obvious, but any pointers would be appreciated. [EDIT: Figured this out. I was over-thinking it.]

2) Is it possible to use a captcha on the registration and/or login forms? [EDIT: Figured this out too. I integrated the reCaptcha extension and it worked great!]

Thank you!

Hi, is there some plan to have this extension in new symphony 2.3 ???

The integration branch has Symphony 2.3 compatible version. It's currently in an RC status, but given the lack of issues posted, you can expect that to be released fairly soon.

We are using the integration branch on a site without any issues (besides the one we reported and which have already been fixed thanks to Brendan).

Is there any interface (and documentation) for extending the members extension with different login methods (Facebook, etc.)? I'm pretty sure I could hack something together on my own, but as usual, I would prefer doing it right and in a clean and consistent way.

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