
Still no luck with mails (using gmail as smtp server).

The info I am using looks like this:

Host: ssl://

Port: 465

I still don’t manage to send any emails, neither locally (PHP 5.3.0) nor on my Debian Lenny server (running PHP 5.2.6).

Is there a way to remove the need for both Username and Email Address? The majority of members areas I create I do-away with a Username in favour of using the Email Address.

Perhaps the Username/Password field could support a Validation Rule (regex) for both Username and Password (so that I could enforce an email address as a username and enforce minimum length for passwords) and if I set the “Email Address Field” in Members > Setup to point to the Username/Password field, for it to recognise this and treat the Username as an email address?

This would also solve the problem of email uniquity for sending password reminders.

Is there a way to remove the need for both Username and Email Address? The majority of members areas I create I do-away with a Username in favour of using the Email Address.

Indeed, I find this limiting. I always use e-mail as username.

It would be great to have the option to either require both username and email or to require only the email address, if that’s not overly complicated.

if that’s not overly complicated

Isn’t it software? It will be complicated. You bet. :-)

Nevertheless that’s a good point.

Yeah, I could almost hear Alistair groaning when I wrote that. It’ll definitely complicate things.

I’m not a programmer, so I don’t really know what limitations are set, but I’m curious as to why the Username / Password are sharing a field? Why there isn’t a second password (confirmation) field is pretty scary to me as well..

Is it not possible to have Username be a normal text field (which would also make it optional, right?), and then have the password field be a combo of two fields for confirmation?

I’m all for simplicity, and clean UI, but a confirmation field still seems almost mandatory..

/me groans

I agree that an email address for username is a good idea, so we’ll look at doing that in a later version.

I’m not a programmer, so I don’t really know what limitations are set, but I’m curious as to why the Username / Password are sharing a field?

The idea was to combine the fields so we could make assumptions. Instead of getting the user to create a Password field and a Username field, then configuring the Members extension so it knows which fields are such, the Members extension can just assume that the first “Member” field it finds in the designated “Members” section contains the username and password. There are a few other advantages to this, like more streamlined XML.

I still don’t manage to send any emails, neither locally (PHP 5.3.0) nor on my Debian Lenny server (running PHP 5.2.6).

I think I’ll need to add in more diagnostic information to help pinpoint where the problem lies. I’ve not had any problems connecting to the Google SMTP server using the details above.

@michael-e: I didn’t manage to send any emails too, but I’ve an error in /extensions/smtp_email_library/lib/pear/Mail/smtp at line 322:

$this->_smtp = &new Net_SMTP($this->host,

This is because:

Since PHP 5, new return reference automatically so using =& in this context is deprecated and produces E_STRICT level message.

Maybe that will help you.

Sadly, this doesn’t make a difference on my machines. (Obviously, E_STRICT level messages are switched off here.)

No emails.

Ok, it works for me, although I had to modify the $email->from so that it uses my gmail address. I’ m almost sure there’s a way to add an address to gmail white-list, maybe you can provide some hints, Alistair?

However, great job! :)

EDIT: There’s a problem with activation. In table members_codes the field code is just 8 characters long, while in the registration email you get the whole md5() string. Same happens for reset password.

Many SMTP servers for webspace accounts will require the sender’s address to be a valid (i.e. configurated) email address. So this should definitely be configurable.

I hardcoded $email->from. However, still no luck here.

@alpacaaa: I can confirm the bug with 8 characters long code. Simply change field code to varchar(32) in sym_members_codes table in your database. Should work :)

I’ve posted this as an issue.

how do you setup a log out button?

sorry that was way easier than I thought

How I sent an email using smtp_email_library

While I have not yet been able to get the members extension to send an email using this the smtp_email_library extension (version 1.2.1beta), I was able to include EXTENSIONS . '/smtp_email_library/extension.driver.php in a contact us event that I’ve been working on and get email to send after making the following three redactions.

Step 1

lib/ change line 8 from:

require_once "Mail.php";


require_once "pear/Mail.php";

Step 2

lib/pear/Mail/smtp.php change line 321 from:

include_once 'Net/SMTP.php';


include_once EXTENSIONS . '/smtp_email_library/lib/pear/Net/SMTP.php';

Note: EXTENSIONS is a Symphony CMS PHP definition defined in /symphony/lib/boot/defines.php.

Step 3

lib/pear/Net/SMTP.php change line 24 from:

require_once 'Net/Socket.php';


require_once 'Socket.php';

That did it for me.

Well that stopped my errors but the email never comes through.

In order to make my site run I had to remove this from my htaccess file as my site would forward to the hosts homepage with this line in the file.

EMAIL EXTENSION PEAR LIBRARY php_value include_path


could this be why my email doesnt work? And any thoughts why I would get forwarded to the hosts home page with this line in the file?

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