Frontend Membership
This is a closed discussion with 166 replies, filed under Extensions.
@alpacaaa Thank you for a deft and simplified solution. When I changed the include_path
ini_set('include_path', 'extensions/smtp_email_library/lib/pear:.');
did not work for me; however, when I changed it to:
ini_set('include_path', 'extensions/smtp_email_library/lib/pear');
it did work for me. Thanks again for the help.
That removes the the errors :) but still no mail :( tried both include lines. would the fact that I have symphony installed in a sub folder of a wordpress install affect anything?
would the fact that I have symphony installed in a sub folder of a wordpress install affect anything?
Maybe “subfolder” is the essential hint – it was a subfolder in my non-working install as well.
So. how do we figure that out?
I moved it to the root of a virtual host. Still no emails sent.
Hi, I’m getting the following error when trying to add members from the backend. Even tho it throws the error it successfully(?) adds the entry to the database, but having the error confuses the user.
= LIMIT 1Backtrace:
* [symphony/lib/toolkit/class.mysql.php:275]MySQL->__error(); * [symphony/lib/toolkit/class.mysql.php:313] MySQL->query(); * [symphony/lib/toolkit/class.mysql.php:341] MySQL->fetch(); * [extensions/members/extension.driver.php:513] MySQL->fetchRow(); * [extensions/members/extension.driver.php:705] extension_Members->fetchRole(); * [extensions/members/extension.driver.php:730] extension_Members->__sendNewRegistrationEmail(); * [symphony/lib/toolkit/class.extensionmanager.php:250] extension_Members->cbEmailNewMember(); * [symphony/content/content.publish.php:567] ExtensionManager->notifyMembers(); * [symphony/content/content.publish.php:29] contentPublish->__actionNew(); * [symphony/content/content.publish.php:38] contentPublish->__switchboard(); * [symphony/lib/toolkit/class.administrationpage.php:70] contentPublish->action(); * [symphony/lib/core/class.administration.php:88] AdministrationPage->build(); * [symphony/lib/core/class.administration.php:204] Administration->__buildPage(); * [index.php:20] Administration->display();
I still have been unable to send any mail I assume it must be something with this hosts settings at this point. (its doteasy)
Location of Your PHP Extension(s) and Application(s) Path: /home/kharandi/php
My symphony install is in /home/kharandi/public_html/palsintouch
I have these php modules installed Auth_SASL Mail Net_SMTP Net_socket
Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail Path to PERL /usr/bin/perl
Is there any other info needed to help diagnose this?
For what it’s worth I haven’t gotten SMTP working on my host either (GreenGeeks). I have all the necessary PEAR modules installed, so that’s not a problem. I followed all the suggestions in this thread and still no go. In the end I gave up and just edited it to use mail().
Edit: Installed modules are Auth_SASL, Mail, Net_SMTP, Net_Socket, PEAR
How did you edit it to use mail instead? I mean it doesnt matter to me as long as the emails go through
Can anyone verify that editing entries in the front end works with a default event.
I can.
If you want only Symphony Admins/Authors be able to edit entries don’t forget the admin only filter.
Oh, you are talking about the Members extension. Haven’t used it yet.
Yea Im having real problems files wont upload and events wont edit throws a fatal error. And now I cant delete an author roll
Ok so when I try to edit an entry I get this error
SELECT * FROM `sym_entries_data_0` WHERE `entry_id` = 165 LIMIT 1
I just checked my database and there is no sym_entries_data_0
There is a sym_entries and it contains records with the ID numbers I want to edit so I have concluded the edit code must have _data_0 when there should be nothing or whatever creates that sql statement must be wrong somehow.
Yea Im having real problems files wont upload and events wont edit throws a fatal error
Best use a separate thread please. Let’s keep this related to Frontend Membership only.
I only posted here because I’m using the Frontend membership and cannot edit with a logged in member
My edits to use mail(): In the extension.driver.php, delete the line that include_once the mail extension, and look for the send function. Replace it with
public function send($members, array $vars=array()){ if(!is_array($members)) $members = array($members); foreach($members as $member_id){ $member = self::$_Members->fetchMemberFromID($member_id); $emailto = $member->getData(extension_Members::memberEmailFieldID(), true)->value; $emailfrom = sprintf( '%s <%s>', Symphony::Configuration()->get('sitename', 'general'), 'noreply@' . parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_HOST) ); $emailsubject = $this->__replaceFieldsInString( $this->__replaceVarsInString($this->subject, $vars), $member ); $emailmessage = $this->__replaceFieldsInString( $this->__replaceVarsInString($this->body, $vars), $member ); mail($emailto, $emailsubject, $emailmessage, 'From: '.$emailfrom); //unset($email); } }
That’s worked for me the few times I was testing it before getting too frustrated and deleted everything. x.x.
Side note to self: must learn how to write extensions to facilitate writing own membership plugin.
Awe Dude thank you!! mail works now. you are my hero.
Just a small request: Is it possible (wouldn’t it be nicer) to have the members section (where you create members) as a child of the actual members menu created by the extension?
And secondly is something like this possible:
<xsl:if test="/data/events/login-info/@logged-in = 'true'" OR test="//events/member-login-info/@logged-in = 'true'">
to also get access to member section when logged-in as backend admin?
And another one (sorry for all the questions…still learning):
How do I get a “Wrong username/password” message or error classes for input fields. Haven’t found that in the ensamble.
Thanks again! panic
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guys, both of you may want to add the following line at the top of extension.driver.php (after
)I was experiencing the same promblem of wjnielsen and this solved my issue.
jeffleeder: your host may not allow modifications to the
so that’ s why you get forwarded (instead of showing an ugly ‘500 internal server error’ page). Try one of the solution shown here.