
I've just tagged up 1.3RC2 for Members on Github. Ideally I'd like to release this as 1.3 and push to master in 2 weeks time, lets say December 10th.

Even though Members has been sitting in an 1.3RC1 state for 6 months now, I feel given the size and scope of Members that it's important everyone is aware of the pending update and has a chance to test their sites.

As a reminder, the change log for 1.3 includes:

  • #224 As the Member: Role field is always required, don't show the required setting
  • #201 Use spl_autoload_register instead of __autoload
  • #200 Implement Cryptography API for more secure passwords
  • #193 When resetting a password, always enforce that the password be required
  • #192 Fix the password recovery process so that it will work if there is no password data for the user
  • #175 Ability to override the default Symphony member
  • #173 Multiple section support
  • #165 Implement MembersPostRegenerateActivationCode, MembersPostActivation, MembersPostForgotPassword, MembersPostResetPassword and InitialiseMember delegates
  • #44 Add a Login after Registration filter
  • Support Importable/Exportable field interfaces
  • Various bug fixes for increased stability and robustness

I think you'll agree that it is a pretty exciting release, especially with multiple member section support and the ability to override the default Symphony Member class (for your OpenID/OAuth implementations)

Many thanks, @brendo and all involved. Sounds like it's time to try updating. :-)

I have just update symphony from 2.2.5 to 2.3.4 but I have an issue with members.
on the frontend I get this error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function isLoggedIn() on a non-object in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/reportit/workspace/events/event.login.php on line 44

Line 44 is:

else $loggedin = $this->_Parent->isLoggedIn();

I think I've to update the envent.login.php to work with the new version of the extension but I don't know how...
Thanks for the help

Ok... no comment...
I figured out the event.login.php is not part of the members extension... it is an event developed (a lot of year ago) by Alistair Kearney
Moreover I'm not using this event and I don't know why it was installed on the website I'm updating.
Sorry for this 2 post

i just noticed while i created member-roles that the defaut public role seems to not restrict event access even though it's never been changed and shows No edit on all events. when i trigger an event the debug output is as follows:

    <member-login-info logged-in="yes" id="1" section-id="1" result="success" />
    <approve-localisation result="success" type="edited" id="774">
        <filter name="permission" status="passed" />
        <message>Entry edited successfully.</message>
        <filter name="permission" status="passed" />

when i create a new role and set the corresponding event permissions to No edit it works as expected.

any idea what might be causing this?

The problem is the "default". As long as you don't save the role settings, the page displays "no edit" for new events, but actually nothing has been saved yet, and so the event will pass. This is a bug in Members that annoyed me a lot in the past. I am not sure if I ever posted this as a bug. Could you check the issue tracker on GitHub and add it if it's not there?

thanks michael! will do that.


quick question. if i have restricted access to certain pages through members extension's public group, how can i access these pages from another extension?

maybe a little more background :)

i have several pages in the frontend that provide information (html parts to load via ajax, api-style pages that provide json data) that should not be publicly available but that still need to be accessible for certain parties (third parties/extensions) to consume.

anybody have an idea?


Just need a little advice as to a process involving members.

When a member changes their email address in our non-Symphony systems, we require them to re-confirm by sending an email to their new address, and then when confirmed, swapping their email address.

I guess with members in Symphony, I would need to de-authorize them, and re-authorize them on successful receipt of the email.

Does anyone do anything similar to this, and if so, how?

Before I dive in to a new project - does Members play well with Symphony 2.4? It was mentioned in another thread that it was essentially abandoned (last updated in 2012) - not a problem if it still works but I'm hesitant to get halfway through a project and find a critical bug.

I can confirm Members 1.3 is working with Symphony 2.3.x.

Looking at integration branch, it seems there are updates for Symphony 2.4. Give it a shot.

Integration branch looks positive! Thanks Vlad

I'm formalising a proper release of a Symphony 2.4 Members at the moment as I'm using it in one of my current projects. Just giving it a run through to make sure all the cases are considered and verified working!

Awesome, thanks brendo!

Great! Do you have an ETA for the new release?

Perfect timing, need this in an upcoming project next month. Already thought I would have to update it myself. Thanks so much.

all ok but the activation via email link.

i cannot understand why there's a activation event and a form? can't the Activation Event take the http://url/?code=23123123 (from email) and activate the user, then redirect it?

does someone faced with this

thank you

Interesting question. Looking at the code, the event indeed requires the values to be POSTed ($fields = $_POST['fields'];), so you need an HTML form.

But I really don't know/remember why it has been done like this.

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