
Strange, I was using dev 1.3. Redownload, uninstalled and enabled. It's worked! Thanks!

At last! :)

Oh, I get it...

did you set allow file upload?

Upload section appears if you click on a upload button that appears when hovering over a directory node if file uploading is allowed.

Bildschirmfoto 2012-04-14 um 14.22.25.png and Bildschirmfoto 2012-04-14 um 14.20.23.png

Oh, I get it. Found it by clicked a directory button beside each folder in the list. Please give more love for UI design. :D

Another request, Selected File section could have fixed height to avoid usability issue if the author are uploading large number of photos.

A total of "# queue file(s) for upload" would be nice to see too.

Development branch I get this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method DirectoryTools::getExtension() in C:UsersMarkDocumentssym.comWebextensionsfilemanagerlibclass.directorytools.php on line 134

From this ajax call:


I'm on windows, WAMP.

I like to offer my feedback for the testing.

Usability issue:

1) Missing directory label in Uploads section, no way to identify which folder did I selected.

2) Multiple directories appear in Uploads section.

3) File Browser did not refresh/update after each upload/delete operation to reflect the changes.

4) Files didn't appear in folder although it did uploaded successfully - 100%.

Updated: 5) Batch uploads would be better than individual upload. The files in Uploads section should be empty once the upload is completed. Less round-trip for refreshing files browser.

Sorry for not file issues in Git since your roadmap will close the gap.

@Lewis, think I'll have to setup a windows php installation. getextension is a method of directoryiterator and class.directorytools is a subclass of directoryiterator. So it's super strange. @proyb2: concerning your 2nd point, each directory has its own upload section.

All other issues actually do actually work, so I guess this is a server side issue. I'll check this on a windows php installation and keep you updated.

Ok, giving up for today. Can't get apache to run on xampp xp, respectively symphony installed on win7...


Thank you for putting your efforts in this ;)


keep up the good words. numbs the pain :)

Short update. During development, I didn't take apache/php installs on none *nix systems into account.

All major issues are attributable to windows broken none-posix-sdandard path descriptions (backslash-pathdeviders). I'm not sure if this will be fixed for the next release, but I'll put this on the roadmap.

Did update the read me.

I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

All major issues are attributable to windows

Don't think so. I'm on OS X (with MAMP) and had the same issues.

@jensscherbl: which one in particular?

Just committed dev 1.4

  • added support for multiplatform installations (pathhandling etc.)
  • False error handling for failed uploads
  • There was an error while creating new directories. New directories were always created in the workspace root folder

There're some drawbacks though: In case your system runs without the PECL extension finfo_open and the deprecated mime_content_type is not available on your system, mimetype checking will fallback to application/octet-stream.

In this case file upload will always fail unless you include application/octet-stream as an allowed mimetype (note: server side filetype validation will then allow all files)


Commited dev 1.4.2

  • fixed an error with ignoring files

Pulled latest dev and still get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method DirectoryTools::getExtension() in class.directorytools.php on line 134

I've attached an image with more info.

undefined.jpg and getExtension.jpg

@lewis: which php version do you use? getExtension() is a class method of SplFileInfo but is only available in php 5.3.6 or higher.

I'll consider replacing it for the next release

[edit:] meanwhile, you can try the patch attached


Filemanager updated to version beta 1.3 on 17th of April 2012

Woohoo! Latest pull from dev works on Windows 7. Thanks iwyg, good work!

Now to go play :)

the beta 1.3 should be pretty much the same as dev 1.4.3 (except meta.xml an read me of course)

Filemanager updated to version beta 1.3.1 on 18th of April 2012

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