
@rwarrender: I’ve added the RSSs to the HTML head.

Is the Timezone issue fixed?

Is the Timezone issue fixed?

Time offset has been added to the Member profile area. Is that what you’re referring to?

Thanks, Alistair. Just needed to fix the time zone offset preference in my profile.

Just want to say that when I went to my profile edit page my name was written like this: “Per Töyrä” (ä and ö causing the problem), reentered and saved and everything works fine but I guess something must have went wrong when you imported the database?

Time offset has been added to the Member profile area.

Ah, cool! I didn’t notice that addition. One request and one question:
Would it be possible to show the current time beside each timezone offset? E. g. +2 (9:50).
How do you handle daylight savings?

How about those in between timezones, Adelaide for example is either +9.5 or +10.5.

No I meant in the actual application. I have this as my timezone in the manifest:

'timezone' => 'Etc/Greenwich',

Now what is happening is when I go to create a new article it is an hour behind.

Nick, best open a new thread or an item on the big tracker — let’s keep this thread on-topic about the Symphony CMS site.

Oh, no idea why I put it in this thread? Sorry.

The “X Online” feature is rather awesome. There’s a layout problemo with long user handles:

Layout bug

Woweee! And another bug: the forum makes images 100% which destroys small portrait thumbnails ;-) I can see why you’ve done this — to scale down larger screenshots. Tricky.

100% width craziness

Should really be max-width instead of width.

I was meant to use max-width but ended up being width. Issue fixed.

I was looking for the filter link and just realized that it is still there but hiding as an icon in the upper right, next to the search button.

I also discovered that pagination for the filtered content doesn’t work. It is pointing to filter instead of forum-filter. It works, if I manually change the handle in the address bar.

bauhouse: Thanks for picking that up. Fixed.

Thanks for the fix, Allen.

The “Submit a new ensemble” link is pointing to the link for extensions. So, I again mistakenly submitted an ensemble to the extensions list again. The link should be: Submit a new ensemble.

This one slipped through the cracks, I was meant to fix this the day you mentioned the bug.

It’s been fixed now.

Thanks, Allen. Also, feel free to delete the Spectrum Members ensemble from the Extensions list. (I miss the old delete button.)

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