
I'll be arriving sometime on 29th, leaving on 2nd or 3rd. I'm going to be travelling by car (if anybody needs a lift) and staying in the Station Hostel. Also, I'm @phoque.

@bauhouse, @michael-e: you can get the S13 from the airport to Hansaring.

Here's a public map with the airport and Hansaring stop on it.

Edit: from @klaftertief:

It's a 15min train ride from the airport to the main station. The line S 13 also stops at Köln Hansaring (on stop after the main station), which is where the AZIMUT Hotel is. There is no need to book a train ticket, just buy it at the airport.

@Nils: David Hund and David Oliver are two different people. :)

I'm @BrightEyesDavid at twitter.

Ah, right, sorry guys. All these names! :)

Edit: Should be corrected now.

Got my booking confirmation today and my presentation slides are taking shape. Really looking forward to seeing you guys!

The weather is nice in Cologne and most of the attendees will arrive on thursday. So let's have a casual beer and a sausage on thursday evening in a beer garden!

I'm in! Beer and sausage sounds perfect!

Vegetarian sausages?

@designermonkey sounds dirty!

It's such a shame I can't be there... Maybe I should call in sick on friday :) It's just a three hour drive :D

Do it!

2 seats left We are nearly "sold out". If you want to take part, please hurry up and update your status on the Symposium 2011 page.

Is there still a seat left for a last minute check in?

@jensscherbl on Twitter, staying at NH Koeln Mediapark, arriving friday morning (hopefully) just in time for breakfast and Allen's keynote... :-)

@antoine Yes, I believe the theoretical max is ~25 :)

We've got 26 seats in the room, so yes :)

We've got 26 seats in the room, so yes :)

Great! So I'm in! I have just booked a hotel, and I will arrive on Friday morning.

Do you know if there are (free) parking in the MediaPark?

The weather is nice in Cologne and most of the attendees will arrive on thursday. So let's have a casual beer and a sausage on thursday evening in a beer garden!

Not sure if I'll be able to make tonight yet, but what time do you reckon you'll be there?

So we’d like to invite everybody to the Stadtgarten beer garden around 7 pm.

see: Symposium 2011: First Contact

Do you know if there are (free) parking in the MediaPark?

Never mind, I found the KOMED brochure.

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