
I am attending! It's only an hour and a half by car from Eindhoven so i have no excuse :)
Great opportunity to meet some people in real live and learn more about symphony.

I am most probably also staying budget in the hostel cologne

@Nils, yeah I did, just thought a final one may help... Trying to think of ways to save you guys some stress on numbers.

On another note, I have my German phrasebook handy! ;o)

I got the email, Nils. Definitely coming! :D

I was a little worried because of an Air Canada strike, but it looks like this has been resolved. Can't wait for the Symposium, but still scrambling to get prepared. I might have a last minute change to my presentation topic, depending on how things go in the next week.

I've got a presentation prepared for Designing and Building for the Mobile Web which I presented last week in Vancouver, but this has put me behind on the Symphony projects I had hoped to cover.

At the moment, I'm working on a Twitter Bootstrap ensemble, the first step being to make the layout responsive (which is mostly done). Then, I want to use this as the basis for building modular components of a complete front end application for managing web agency workflows.

Sorry for the little off-topic sidetour but Wow.. I am really looking forward to seeing you guys!

@bauhause I'd love to see your ideas re: a Symphony workflow app for web agencies. At the moment I am rethinking our workflow and PM tools ( trying out Trello a.t.m.) and since we will be working much more with Symphony in the future a Symphony app would be awesome! Responsive ensembles, modular components...#drool ;)

I updated mine, was just in hannover at can't make it back over this time .. really looking forward to meeting the community IRL in the future !

#cantattend #statusupdated

Johanna and I are really locking forward to the Symposium and to meeting you all. When will you all be arriving in Cologne? Who will already be there on Thursday so we can meet up in the evening?


Maybe everybody who will be attending the conference and uses Twitter can post his username here? That would ease communication over the weekend:

The official hashtag for the conference is (thanks to Stephen) #sym2011.

I might have a last minute change to my presentation topic, depending on how things go in the next week.

No worries. We'll be happy with what ever you'll come up with. Really looking forward to meeting you again! (And all the others, too, of course.)

David Oliver:

I might be able to meet up Thursday evening. Were you thinking of getting a bite to eat, or just a quick meet-and-greet and a drink?

11:30 “Barcamp”-style sessions - introduction of the participants combined with small-ish project presentations (backend sneak peeks, glimpse into work flow / work ethic, advanced XSL, APIs and JSON, Git workflows)

Please everyone (that means you) consider preparing something for this, no matter how short or unpolished. It would be great if everyone was able to show and tell something about their use of Symphony even if it's just a half finished screenshot or a mumbled half baked feature request idea!

Designermonkey and I arrive in Cologne about 8pm I think. Once we find hotels etc we can find you if there's time.

Like Max I don't have a Twitter account yet. So I rely on you guys. I will arrive in Cologne (art'hotel) Thursday afternoon.

@bauhouse: Same hotel, right?

Andrew Minton:

See you all Thursday night.

Johanna, Max and I will stay at Mercure Severinshof. Anybody else booked there?

Like Max I don't have a Twitter account yet.

In these two cases this might be related to age, I guess :)

Sundays in Germany, National Holiday

I just chatted with Allen and here is one important note to all foreigners: Stores in Germany (expect for those in the main train station and maybe a few others) will be closed on Sunday and on Monday. October 3rd is a national holiday in Germany (it's German Unification Day).

Official Symposium Announcements

Please follow symphonycmsde on Twitter or have a look at for official Symposium announcements.

I'm on Twitter at:!/eyesdownweb

Will be arriving Thursday in time for a drink in the evening.

At the moment, I'm working on a Twitter Bootstrap ensemble, the first step being to make the layout responsive (which is mostly done). Then, I want to use this as the basis for building modular components of a complete front end application for managing web agency workflows.

Wow, can't wait.

I'm just hacking together my first extension (to handle Worldpay payments) and would love someone to present an idiots guide to extension development. Think low-level, drop it quite a bit, and I might just get it.

I am pretty simply, @designermonkey

Also, for the Barcamp style stuff, Nick has suggested I talk about Symphonists, and what they are. I'm thinking of mentioning the 'Git workflow' that is in production as it has had some praise so far...

Be warned though, I get nervous talking to crowds, so may sound weird.

Be warned though, I get nervous talking to crowds, so may sound weird.

You ain't the only one. :-) On that subject, I found this recent article by Sam Harris interesting.

David Hund @valuedstandards

I can (just about) make it Friday morning and am staying at the NH Koeln Mediapark hotel (near the venue). Anybody else staying there?

I am arriving thursday evening in the hostel cologne...
@designermonkey: would be nice to meet you there if there's time.
I am not a twitterer but i will follow the symphony tweets to see if there's a meet up thursday evening... Looking forward to see you guys then!

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